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cheating, int 0x13

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:33 pm
by jerryleecooper
hello. Ive read this:
Can i use VM86 for disk access ?
Theorically yes, though it is probably not a GoodIdea(tm), as most BIOS disk access will include IRQ handlers, DMA transfers which you can hardly control from your VM monitor, and may stick in VM86 task while the BIOS waits for an interrupt response while a 'good' driver would have let the CPU free for other processes.

Remember of your old MS9x system freezing when doing a disk access ? that was most of the time due to an INT13-through-VM86 problem.
from the wiki, it's exactly what I try to do. I corrected all the bugs in my OS, and now the only thing to do is to make the int 19, aka int 0x13 works.
Why I want it to work? because I will be able to make my OS work with usb fobs, usb floppy readers and all that without writing all the drivers!
Im sure it's fun to write drivers for all of theses funny things, but I want to do something else, like writing a driver for my x3100 intergrated card .
Because you know, Intel just released the documentation.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:53 pm
by mathematician
Speaking for myself, I don't write drivers because it is fun; I write them because int 13h doesn't work in protected mode. If it did I wouldn't go out of my way to make life hard for myself.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:53 pm
by jerryleecooper
I already wrote my floppy driver, but wanted a way to have a "`fast`" way into usb floppy drive driver.
Knowing that int0x13 doesn't work, I will now target the usb driver.