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How I should to Beginer OS Developer?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:12 am
by teemsu

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:17 am
by JamesM
1.) What I need know about language to build a simple OS?
2.) I can use Visual Basic 6.
Fantastic. An OS has been built in FreeBASIC (IIRC, by combuster) but I really would not reccommend it, you really have to know your language INSIDE OUT. Plus IIRC he only made it to show it COULD be done, I don't think he would reccommend a serious effort in it either (I'm not trying to put words in his mouth, This is what I remember. Please correct me if my memory is poor!)

Learn Assembler, and possibly C. People here argue both sides of the coin, but in the end you need a full grasp of assembler anyway, and an extremely good grasp of C if you're going to use it.

AGAIN: see the wiki and READ ME BEFORE POSTING post. (Did you read it?)
3.) I want to build a simple OS.
Most people here do. (Are you sure you read the READ ME BEFORE POSTING post?)


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:55 am
by DeletedAccount
2.) I can use Visual Basic 6.
Well you can ... If you have a double PHD and if your were part of the Visual Basic Development team

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:12 am
by inflater
1.) What I need know about language to build a simple OS?
A full knowledge, neither it's C, C++, ASM, Pascal - or English. Or you will end up with errors in your code or in your grammar :P

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:36 am
by Combuster
JamesM wrote:Fantastic. An OS has been built in FreeBASIC (IIRC, by combuster) but I really would not reccommend it, you really have to know your language INSIDE OUT. Plus IIRC he only made it to show it COULD be done, I don't think he would reccommend a serious effort in it either (I'm not trying to put words in his mouth, This is what I remember. Please correct me if my memory is poor!)
That's two threads on Basic in a few minutes. wow :D

To refresh memory, my OS is Asm/Basic (with the kernel written in full assembly and drivers/applications in Basic). It does not really matter in what language you write your OS as long as you know it inside out, and the compiler provided is capable of performing the needed tasks. Most people program C, so logically most kernels are written in C. The only thing you should be careful of is that a kernel is hardly a basic program in the style you are used to.

But ATM I think you should really read the rules/FAQ post as your attitude really sounds as that what's written in the beginners mistakes. Which is also why you are not being taken seriously.

Re: How I should to Beginer OS Developer?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:40 am
by mathematician
teemsu wrote:1.) What I need know about language to build a simple OS?
2.) I can use Visual Basic 6.
3.) I want to build a simple OS.
Any language more high level than C will most likely want to put calls to the OS into the compiled code in order to get things done; which is not particularly helpful when the operating system is the very thing you are supposed to be writing. C is useful for osdeving because it was originally developed for that very purpose, and all calls to the host OS are confined to external libraries (which of course you can't use as an osdever unless you write them yourself).

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:41 pm
by teemsu
Thank you for every advise.

Re: How I should to Beginer OS Developer?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:31 pm
by Love4Boobies
mathematician wrote:Any language more high level than C will most likely want to put calls to the OS into the compiled code in order to get things done; which is not particularly helpful when the operating system is the very thing you are supposed to be writing.
That's one way to look at it. Using a higher-level language like Java or C# may actually help a lot more than you think. However, I don't recommend using a high level language rightaway, medium-level languages like C are good enough for now (unless you also want to start researching compiler development).