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Write to certain sectors of floppy

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:00 pm
by hazardoxide
how do i write files to certain sectors of a floppy? like grub and the kernel and stuff? I know bootloaders must go on cyl 0 head 0 sec 1, how do i write a file to that? like the prog in emu8086, only to a real floppy.


Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:26 pm
by Brynet-Inc
Let's think this though... :)

A sector is 512 bytes, 1 sector is used... so you have 2879 sectors available... ;)

Instead of troubling yourself with such basic math.. consider a file system.. 8)

(If you want to know how to actually write bytes to a floppy image.. use your favourite programming languages file I/O routines..)

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 11:35 pm
by hazardoxide
but how do you write to the boot sector?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:46 am
by Red Shaya
here is a sample "read disk" code.
Just replace INT 13 AH=02 with INT 13 AH=03 to make it a "Write disk" code.
Also consider the following page for reference

Code: Select all

    POP DS
    MOV CX,5
    INT 13
    JNC .Read_disk
    LOOP .Reset_disk   ; retry for 5 times
    ; Print a reset error message
    MOV SI, ResetErrorMsg
    CALL PrintStr         ; print the error message
    JMP .Stop
    MOV AH,02
    MOV AL,SectNumber
    MOV BX,Stage2Address
    MOV CX,0001     ; read from cylinder #1
    XOR DX,DX        ; Read from floppy (Disk 0)
    INT 13
    JNC .RunStage2
    MOV SI,ReadFailMsg
    CALL PrintStr     ; Print the read error message
    JMP Stage2Address
    MOV AH,0E
    MOV BX,0007
    JZ .EndStr
    INT 10
    JMP .RdChr
    POP AX
    POP BX