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Mapping the page directory to 0xFFFFF000 (problem)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:46 pm
by Craze Frog
With a little help I got basic paging working. I'm now trying to access my page tables/directory from virtual memory by mapping them in in high memory. The problem, is that I don't think it works like it should.

Here's the paging code:

Code: Select all

        ; alloc and clear pdir
        call    new_frame
        shl     eax, 12
        mov     [kernel_pd], eax ; move pointer to page directory into kernel_pd
        push    PAGE_SIZE
        push    eax
        call    zeromeml ; clear the page directory so we get error messages by access the wrong memory
        ; alloc tbl and setup pdir
        call    new_frame
        shl     eax, 12
        mov     [table], eax
        or      eax, PG_PRESENT or PG_WRITE
        mov     edx, [kernel_pd]
        mov     [edx+0*4], eax
        ; eax is verified to be 1204227 here
        ; setup ptbl
        mov     edx, [table]
        mov     eax, PG_PRESENT or PG_WRITE
        mov     ecx, 0
        mov     [edx+ecx*4], eax
        add     eax, PAGE_SIZE 
        add     ecx, 1 
        cmp     ecx, 1024 
        jne     .pageloop
        ; circle map pdir
        ; here the magic mystic error maybe happens
        mov     eax, [kernel_pd] ; load pointer to page directory
        mov     edx, eax
        or      edx, PG_PRESENT or PG_WRITE
        mov     [eax+1023*4], edx

        ; print the first 4 bytes of the page directory by directly accessing the memory
        mov     eax, [kernel_pd]
        push    dword [eax]
        call    screen_puti

        ; enable paging 
        mov     eax, [kernel_pd]
        mov     cr3, eax 
        mov     eax, cr0 
        or      eax, PG_ENABLE_PAGING 
        mov     cr0, eax

        ; print the first 4 bytes of the page directory through virtual memory mapping
        mov     eax, [0xFFFFF000]
        push    eax
        call    screen_puti
The problem is that the printed numbers aren't the same. I think they should be. The first number is 1204227, the second is 1204259. I think it should be 1204227 both times.

Please help!

Edit: I forgot so say that if I comment out the magic part of the code, then I get a general protection fault as expected.

Re: Mapping the page directory to 0xFFFFF000 (problem)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:32 pm
by Brendan
Craze Frog wrote:The problem is that the printed numbers aren't the same. I think they should be. The first number is 1204227, the second is 1204259. I think it should be 1204227 both times.
Addresses (and lots of other things) should be displayed in hexidecimal. There's a reason for this...

The first number you read is 0x00126003. The second number you read is 0x00126023. The difference is obvious in hexidecimal.

Basically, you access the page directory via. paging, and the CPU sets the "accessed" flag. :)

