[ATA] Reset & VMWare.

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[ATA] Reset & VMWare.

Post by Mikae »

Hello all.

During some tests of ATA devices detection and identification, I've found strange thing: after I reset devices on channel 1 in VMWare by setting and clearing SRST bit of device control register, DRDY bit of device 0 on the channel is never set. But if I remove code resetting the channel, problem with DRDY disappears. It happens only with channel 1, and there is no problem with channel 0.

Is it a problem of VMWare, or I have a bug in my code? I've wrote the simplest piece of code demonstrating the problem, could someone to look at it and to run it under VMWare:

Code: Select all

org 0x7C00

 xor ax, ax
 mov ds, ax
 mov es, ax
 mov ss, ax
 mov sp, 0x7C00

;Set SRST:
 mov dx, 0x376
 mov al, 0x4
 out dx, al

;Wait a little

;Clear SRST
 xor al, al
 out dx, al

;Wait again

;Select device
 mov dx, 0x176
 mov al, 0x0
 out dx, al

;Wait BSY
 mov dx, 0x177
 mov si, str_wait_BSY
 call print_str
 in al, dx
 test al, 0x80
 jnz .wait_BSY1

;Check DRDY
 mov dx, 0x177
 in al, dx
 test al, 0x40
 jz .error_DRDY
 mov si, str_ok_DRDY
 call print_err_str

 mov si, str_error_DRDY
 call print_err_str

 or al, al
 jz .exit
 mov ah, 0xE
 mov bx, 0x7
 int 0x10
 jmp .l00p

 or al, al
 jz .exit
 mov ah, 0xE
 mov bx, 0x7
 int 0x10
 jmp .l00p
 jmp $

str_wait_BSY:   db 'Waiting BSY', 0xA, 0xD, 0x0
str_error_DRDY: db 'No DRDY', 0xA, 0xD, 0x0
str_ok_DRDY:    db 'DRDY Ok', 0xA, 0xD, 0x0

times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0xFF
dw 0xAA55
To disable channel resetting, comment out 'Set SRST' and 'Clear SRST' sections.

Configuration of my virtual machine is:
channel 0, device 0: ATA device
channel 0, device 1: empty
channel 1, device 0: ATAPI device
channel 1, device 1: empty
Version of VMWare is: VMWare Workstation 5.5.1 build-19175.

So, what may be the problem?..

TIA, Mikae.
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Post by XCHG »

I suggest that you look at sections 9.3, 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 in ATA4 IDE Specifications that explain the sequences involved in a software reset of an ATA device. The explanation is really thorough. If you have problems understanding those, I will put my own code with comments and explanations in here.
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Post by Mikae »

Thank you XCHG, I've found the answer on my question:
m) Setting DRDY:
1) If the PACKET command feature set is not implemented by Device 0, then the DRDY bit shall be
set to one within 30 s after the BSY bit has been cleared to zero. Steps (l) (1) and (m) (1) may
occur at the same time;
2) If the PACKET command feature set is implemented by Device 0, then Device 0 shall not set
DRDY to one;
It is very strange, but there is nothing about it in ATA/ATAPI-6-3b draft. So, moving to ATAPI is more complex than I thought -- ATAPI device doesn't depend on DRDY bit (at least, for IDENTIFY_PACKET_DEVICE command), so I have to add some additional check: if DRDY is not set, may be there is ATAPI device on the channel.
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