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UTF 0-008A vs 0+008A

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:31 pm
by uglyoldbob
Is there a difference between the 0+ codes and the 0- codes? Is 0+ the basic multilingual plane? Both of these types of codes are mentioned, but the difference between them is never described (or it is and I cannot find where it is).

So a form like (0xC2, 0xA9) is used to store the code 0+00A9
The encoded form (0xC2A9) would be stored just like a string right? How would you store 0+00A9 in a decoded form?

Also the standard talks of net accepting non-shortest form. If one is found, what of action should be taken? Looks like substitution with a � seems to be the way to go.