I Found some stuff and applications that noobs or pro's could find helpfull.
Brandon F. had a good tutorial for making an OS. A Great Starter Kernel and a Floppy Image .img w/ Grub it's on Bona Fide.
FAT\FAT16\FAT32 Accessability (for OS's without File Systems) - Download the source to FreeDOS (note it's C Based, so may not work for people going full ASM or any other language.
Emulation Testbed - DosBox. Works great with any bootable .img file, you can tell if your OS Works with Audio\Video\IRQs\IDTs\ect. little bit easier than bochs. beacause you mount your .img directory in to dosbox then type in boot C:\myos.img
Some Idea's For Noob OS Developers.
And for those of us who break from the pack and go with the standard; however troublesome and buggy it may be. I'm refering to M$ products incase anyone didn't catch on. I would suggest they take a look at the tutorials on http://www.brokenthorn.com there is a very good VC++ based tutorial that builds its own bootloader in ASM and then a C++ kernel in VC++. He is stilll working on the tutorials so they kinda drop you off right after you finish the bootloader and create your VC++ project but it is easy enough to go to osdever and continue on your own.
Getting back in the game.