How to address above 4GB using assembly language ?

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How to address above 4GB using assembly language ?

Post by prayag.ganoje »

Can any one tell me how to represent the physical address above 4GB using assembly language... viz

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Using PAE or long mode? In a x86_64 machine all registers are 64 bits long anyway...
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Re: How to address above 4GB using assembly language ?

Post by Brendan »

prayag.ganoje wrote:Can any one tell me how to represent the physical address above 4GB using assembly language... viz

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For 32-bit code you'd do it the exact same way you'd store any other 64-bit integer. For example, EDX might hold the highest 32-bits of the address and EAX might hold the lowest 32-bits.

If you're wondering how to access a 64-bit address in 32-bit assembly, the simple answer is you don't. Without paging you can't access anything above 4 GB, and with paging (PAE or PSE36) you're still using 32-bit linear addresses. To access a 64-bit physical address you need to map the page containing the address into the 32-bit linear address space, then use a 32-bit linear address to access it.


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Post by rv6502 »

have a look at how EMS memory works, how a C128 can have more than 64KiB of ram, how a C64 can have 64KiB ram + 32Kib ROM, how a NES can access 1MiiB ROM cartridges, etc.

you can implement something similar using paging

good luck
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