Creating a Class

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Creating a Class

Post by bryan44 »

I am trying to write a program with this class.
I need to create two currency objects, print them to the screen,
and add them together. Here is what I have so far.  
I am not sure if I am understanding it right.
Any suggestions will help.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Currency
        friend ostream &operator <<(ostream &, const Currency &c);
                void setDollars(int d);    
                int getDollars() const;  
                void setCents(int c) ;    
                int getCents() const;    
                Currency operator+ (const Currency &) const;
                int dollars;
                int cents;
Currency::Currency()                    //default constructor
        dollars = 0;
        cents = 0;
Currency::~Currency()                   //gives space back to the system
        delete dollars;
        delete cents;
        cout << "Destroying the object";
void Currency::setDollars(int d)        //sets the dollar amount
void getDollars()const                  //gets the dollar amount
        return dollars;
void Currency::setCents(int c)          //sets cents amount
void getCents() const                   //gets cents amount
        return cents;
Currency operator+(const Currency &) const                                                      
//Addition operator, adds two Currency objects together and returns the sum
ostream &operator <<(ostream &out, const Currency &c)
        out << c.dollars << "." << c.cents;
        return out;
int main()
        Currency anAmount;
        cout << anAmount << endl;
        return 0;
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