Why does this crash?

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Why does this crash?

Post by VoidLogic »

Mode: Real
Comp: Borland C++ 5.02
Platform: DOS standard

EXE B Crashes if:

1. EXE A is set as TSR and loaded more then once. (this should not happen?)
2. EXE A is not a TSR,a and another program uses its (old) memory ( i understand this)

#include <Iostream.h>
#include <Fstream.h>
#include <StdLib.h>
#include <DOS.h>

void huge (*HelloPtr)(void);
void Hello(void);

void main(void)
HelloPtr = &Hello;

  system("if exist C:\\TempPtr.dat del C:\\TempPtr.dat ");
  ofstream Stream;
// _dos_keep(0, (_SS + (_SP+32/16) - _psp)); //Makes it TSR

void huge Hello(void)
cout<<"Hello World";
EXE B (the one that is run to test this external function calling)

void huge (*HelloPtr)(void);

void main(void)
  unsigned long Temp;
  ifstream Stream;
  HelloPtr = (void huge(*)())Temp;
  getch(); //Also it crashes if this line is removed?!#$% wtf


I have tried far, and _loadds also, no to avail.
Help Please!

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