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page alloc
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:50 pm
by GLneo
I'm starting to work on a paging system, my first task is to get a physical page allocator ( pages are 4k ) working, i am having trouble just finding a blank page, i wrote this:
Code: Select all
* los/mm/palloc2.c
* Copyright (C) 2007
unsigned long page_usage_bitmap[32768];
int page_alloc()
int i = 0, ipos = 0;
while(page_usage_bitmap[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF)
if(i >= 32768)
return 0;
while(ipos < 32)
if( page_usage_bitmap[i] && (!(2147483648 >> ipos)) )
return ((i * 32) + ipos);
return 0;
it always returns zero ( even when i set the first few pages ) I'm also confused on how to make a working page allocator out of this?
thanks for you time!
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:17 pm
by frank
Maybe the
&& in the following code should just be a
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while(ipos < 32)
if( page_usage_bitmap[i] && (!(2147483648 >> ipos)) )
return ((i * 32) + ipos);
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:12 am
by GLneo
thank you, that fixed the page finding loop ( i think, i cant determine that until a can set pages, then test if it wont give me that page ), which is what i'm having more problems, here is code:
Code: Select all
* los/mm/palloc2.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Davis
#include <los/setup.h>
unsigned long page_usage_bitmap[32768];
int page_alloc()
int i = 0, ipos = 0;
while(page_usage_bitmap[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF) // page group loop
if(i >= 32768)
return 0;
while(ipos < 32)// page loop
if( !(page_usage_bitmap[i] & (!(2147483648 >> ipos))) ) // 2147483648 = 1000...0b
return ((i * 32) + ipos);
return 0;
void page_set( int page )
int group;
group = page / 32;
if( group != 0 )
page_usage_bitmap[group] |= (2147483648 >> (page % group));
page_usage_bitmap[group] |= (2147483648 >> (page)); // this avoids zero division
what i do is call page_set( 0 );, then call page_alloc() and it returns 0, but it should return 1 ( becouse page one is already set )?
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:31 am
by bluecode
GLneo wrote:Code: Select all
if( !(page_usage_bitmap[i] & (!(2147483648 >> ipos))) ) // 2147483648 = 1000...0b
should perhaps be something like
Code: Select all
if ((page_usage_bitmap[i] & (1 << ipos)) == 0)
Code: Select all
void page_set( int page )
int group;
group = page / 32;
if( group != 0 )
page_usage_bitmap[group] |= (2147483648 >> (page % group));
page_usage_bitmap[group] |= (2147483648 >> (page)); // this avoids zero division
something like
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page_usage_bitmap[page / 32] = 1 << (page % 32);
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:15 pm
by frank
Okay well I guess I'll let you see mine, I have always found code better than long explanations sometimes. Of course there is something i should tell you. All of functions use physical addresses and not page numbers.
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#define BIT( bit ) ( 1 << bit )
#define SET_BIT( data, bit ) ( data |= BIT( bit ) )
#define RESET_BIT( data, bit ) ( data &= ( ~( BIT( bit ) ) ) )
#define GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) ( address >> 12 )
#define GET_PAGE_ADDRESS( page ) ( page << 12 )
// m_memory_bitmap = DWORD *m_memory_bitmap;
DWORD CPhysical_Memory_Manager::Allocate_Free_Page( )
DWORD i = 0, j = 0;
// look for a free page
for ( i = ( m_first_free / 32 ); i < ( m_page_count / 32 ); i++ )
// are all of those pages used
if ( m_memory_bitmap[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF )
// find the correct bit
for ( j = 0; j < 32; j++ )
// test this page
if ( m_memory_bitmap[i] & BIT( j ) )
// this page is allocated
} // end if
// this page is now used
SET_BIT( m_memory_bitmap[i], j );
// set the new first free page
m_first_free = ( 32 * i ) + j;
// update the free pages count
// return the page address
return( GET_PAGE_ADDRESS( ( 32 * i ) + j ) );
} // end else
} // end for
} // end for
// no more free pages
// TODO: Add swaping code
// for now return an error
return( 0xFFFFFFFF );
} // end Allocate_Free_Page
void CPhysical_Memory_Manager::Set_Page_Used( DWORD address )
DWORD *bitmap = m_memory_bitmap;
// make sure this page is in the bitmap
if ( GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) > m_page_count )
// find the offset into the page
DWORD offset = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) / 32;
// find the bit
DWORD bit = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) % 32;
// go to the correct DWORD
bitmap += offset;
// now set the correct bit
SET_BIT( (*bitmap), bit );
// update the free page count
} // end Set_Page_Used
void CPhysical_Memory_Manager::Set_Page_Free( DWORD address )
DWORD *bitmap = m_memory_bitmap;
// make sure this page is in the bitmap
if ( GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) > m_page_count )
// find the offset into the page
DWORD offset = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) / 32;
// find the bit
DWORD bit = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) % 32;
// go to the correct DWORD
bitmap += offset;
// now set the correct bit
RESET_BIT( (*bitmap), bit );
// update the first free page if neccessary
if ( GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) < m_first_free )
m_first_free = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address );
// update the free page count
} // end Set_Page_Free
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:02 pm
by GLneo
I like talking with code too, heres what I've made as of now:
Code: Select all
* los/mm/physical.c
* Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Davis
#include <los/setup.h>
unsigned long page_usage_bitmap[32768];
int page_alloc()
int i = 0, ipos = 0;
while(page_usage_bitmap[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF) // page group loop
if(i >= 32768)
return 0;
while(ipos < 32)// page loop
if ((page_usage_bitmap[i] & (1 << ipos)) == 0)
page_set( (int) ((i * 32) + ipos) );
return ((i * 32) + ipos);
return 0;
void page_set( int page )
page_usage_bitmap[page / 32] |= 1 << (page % 32);
void page_free( int page )
page_usage_bitmap[page / 32] &= !(1 << (page % 32));
void page_protect_mem( unsigned int start, unsigned int end )
int page_start, page_end;
if( start >= end )
page_start = ( start / 4096 );
page_end = (end % 4096)==0?(end / 4096):((end / 4096) + 1);
while( page_start <= page_end )
page_set( page_start );
it is not commented but i would expect anyone working with this code to be competent enough to understand it
I'm am now in the process of writing code to easily add pages to a processes page directory, so the user can say give me 100k and it will peace together all the fragmented pages, but i haven't the slightest idea where to begin?
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:56 am
by frank
I have 2 functions for doing that.
void Map_Page( DWORD vm_loc, DWORD phy_loc, DWORD attr );
DWORD Allocate_Page( DWORD location, DWORD type );
Allocate_Page calls Allocate_Free_Page to get a free physical page and then calls Map_Page to map that page at the virtual location specified.
Map_Page first checks to see if a page table needs to be allocated for that address and if so calls Allocate_Free_Page to get a free page. It then maps the physical address sent to the virtual address.
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:44 pm
by GLneo
but what is inside
void Map_Page( DWORD vm_loc, DWORD phy_loc, DWORD attr );
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:59 pm
by frank
GLneo wrote:but what is inside
void Map_Page( DWORD vm_loc, DWORD phy_loc, DWORD attr );
Do you want code or an explanation?
Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:07 am
by GLneo
explanation would help, but i learn best by example, i think i understand the idea ( add the page to the users task's page directory ), but the exact workings I'm still clueless, so any explanation or code would be greatly appreciated
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:23 pm
by frank
Okay well what do you already know? Do you know how to map pages? Do you have paging enabled now or are you looking for help in that area too?
Here is the code for my Map_Page function. It makes several assumptions, that the page directory can be accessed at 0xFFFFF000, and the page tables can be accessed from 0xFFC00000 to 0xFFFFEFFF.
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void CVirtual_Memory_Manager::Map_Page( DWORD vm_loc, DWORD phy_loc, DWORD attr )
PAGE_TABLE *pt = 0;
DWORD page = 0;
DWORD page_table = 0;
// get the page number
page = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( vm_loc );
// move to the right page directory entry
pd += PAGE_TABLE( page );
// check the present flag
if ( pd->present == false )
// we need to allocate a page table
page_table = phys_mem_manager.Allocate_Free_Page( );
if ( page_table == 0xFFFFFFFF )
kernel_panic( "OUT OF MEMORY" );
} // end if
// get the page number
page_table = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( page_table );
// set the page directory entry
pd->page_table = page_table;
// set the page to present and read write
pd->present = true;
pd->read_write = true;
pd->user_supervisor = true;
// flush page table entries
asm( "invlpg (%%eax)" : : "a" ( ( (DWORD)page_table) << 12 ) );
//asm( "invlpg (%%eax)" : : "a" ( page_directory ) );
asm( "invlpg (%%eax)" : : "a" ( ( 0xFFC00000 + ( page_table * 4096 ) ) ) );
// get a pointer to the page table data
void *data = (void *)( 0xFFC00000 + ( PAGE_TABLE( page ) * 4096 ) );
// zero the new page table
memsetd( data, 0, 0x1000 / 4 );
} // end if
// move to the proper page entry
pt = (PAGE_TABLE *) ( 0xFFC00000 + ( PAGE_TABLE( page ) * 4096 ) );
// move to the right entry
pt += PAGE( page );
// set the attributes
pt->entry = attr & 0xFFF;
// set the address
pt->page = GET_PAGE_NUMBER( phy_loc );
// flush the TLB entries
asm( "invlpg (%%eax)" : : "a" ( phy_loc ) );
asm( "invlpg (%%eax)" : : "a" ( vm_loc ) );
} // end Map_Page
EDIT: Oh I should tell you what the macros are
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#define GET_PAGE_NUMBER( address ) ( address >> 12 )
#define GET_PAGE_ADDRESS( page ) ( page << 12 )
#define PAGE_TABLE( data ) ( ( data & 0xFFC00 ) >> 10 )
#define PAGE( data ) ( data & 0x3FF )