WITHOUT BIOS: Get Cursor X and Y
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:03 pm
How to Get Cursor X and Y without B. I. O. S.
The Place to Start for Operating System Developers
Yes yes...Do you mean the blinking line that usually indicates where the next character will go?
That is a two-stroke approach. That "blinking line" does not indicate where the next character will go, but instead represents the current/next position in a properly designed CLI.matias_beretta wrote:Yes yes...Do you mean the blinking line that usually indicates where the next character will go?
Code: Select all
MOV EDX , 0x00003D4 ; CRTC Address Register
MOV EAX , 0x000000E ; (Index = Cursor Location High Register)
OUT DX , AL ; Tell the CRTC about what we need
INC EDX ; EDX = CRTC Data Register (0x03D5)
IN AL , DX ; Read the High Order Byte of the cursor
MOV EBX , EAX ; Store this value in EBX
SHL EBX , 0x00000008 ; BH = High Order Byte of the cursor
MOV EAX , 0x000000F ; (Index = Cursor Location Low Register)
DEC EDX ; EDX = CRTC Address Register
OUT DX , AL ; Tell the CRTC what value we need
INC EDX ; EDX = CRTC Data Register
IN AL , DX ; Read the Low Order Byte of the cursor
OR EAX , EBX ; AH = High Order Byte, AL = Low Order Byte
XOR EDX , EDX ; Do a simple division (EDX = 0, 32-bits Div)
MOV EBX , 80 ; Divide EDX:EAX by 80 (Number of columns per row)
DIV EBX ; Divide now
; EDX = Cursor.X
; EAX = Cursor.Y