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A question about shell like bash

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:22 am
by label_3162073
How to move the shell like bash in my own OS? Is it requires special system call or have another request? please help me ,thank you !!!

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:35 am
by AndrewAPrice
Bash? You do know how complex Bash is? Most shells require the C standard library, so you'll have to port newlib to your OS. And before you get your hopes up about that, have you implemented a file system driver, a program loader, paging?


Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:27 am
by label_3162073
If the Bash is very complex like you said,Why does the linux 0.11 can run the bash. I don't think the linux 0.11 is very complex

Re: ..

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:44 am
by AndrewAPrice
label_3162073 wrote:If the Bash is very complex like you said,Why does the linux 0.11 can run the bash. I don't think the linux 0.11 is very complex
I asked if you have the following:
- A file system driver - so you can load bash from disk.
- A program loader - which will convert what's on disk into a valid program image in memory.
- A paging and multitasking system - not required, but I'm guessing you want bash to execute programs?
- A port of C standard library to your OS - so bash will compile and and run on your system.

I agree Linux 0.11 isn't very complex, but it still includes all the above features.