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compiled x86-64 Bochs for windows

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:24 am
by exkor
Hello I was wondering if somebody has already compiled bochs-2.3 x86-64 for windows and if you can share it.

I have left linux long time ago because of constant packet dependencies during custom compiling and have no intention of returning there and haven't written any c program for past several years for windows.


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:46 pm
by Combuster
You can compile bochs from sources using Cygwin without any problems. That way you can configure it to your likings.

extract the sources and in cygwin type

Code: Select all

./configure --help
for a list of options. Feed the features you want to configure then enter

Code: Select all

make && make install
and you have your 64-bit bochs ready for use.

That saves us attachment space :D