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Graphics Libs
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 11:00 pm
by VoidLogic
I need a real mode (x86) grapgics library that
is either 16/24/32-bit color. Any Suggestions?
P.S. Faster is better, and bitmap support would
be a plus
RE:Graphics Libs
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 11:00 pm
by Xsism
Hey voidlogic,
i would make it myself. It isn't hard. If u have got to the point where u can have a gui/grfx lib in ur OS, deving it should be pie. U can also learn alot about it :)Seriously though,it isn't that hard. Basically asm functions(mostly) and C headers(plus some straight C functions)(or C++).
ur welcome in advance,oh try for tons of examples of grfx libs
Mr. Xsism
in a world without walls,
who needs windows or gates?