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Where to?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:27 pm
by rocketmanbrad
Hello everyone.
I'm new to this forum.
After working for quite some time, and due to the members of this forum, i have finally implemented a simple preemptive multitasking OS. :D

I don't want to sound repetitive or anything, and i'm sure that you've all heard this many times before, but i was wondering what the next best goal to implement would be. My thoughts were with implementing Ring 3 processes, with a single system TSS and what not.

my overall goal is to have a simple UNIX like OS, nothing major like GUI's and stuff.. perhaps much later.

any suggestions would be helpful

thanks again.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:39 pm
by mathematician
You could do any of the utilities which normally accompany an operating system, or you could write yourself a compiler, linker and text editor, perhaps with a debugger to follow later. Then you could launch it onto the big wide world, and see if you can get people to atart writing apps and/or device drivers for it. Maybe even a GUI if you don't want to do it yourself.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:32 am
by AJ
I think your suggestion of going on to write ring 3 task support (and possibly v86) is a good one.

Once you have done that, I would think about some kind of extensible device management - that will lead to being able to load modules from long-term storage and run them as ring 3 tasks.

Once you have a decent level of kernel support (for system calls and so on), you can then think about UI's, GUI libraries etc...

*caveat* - you'll get a lot of differing opinions about the order in which you should procede. If this OS is just for fun, do whatever you're most interested in next.

Good luck!