I have a couple of questions. Firstly, which stack do I push the EFLAGS, CS, and EIP so that when the interrupt I'm jumping to in the IVT's iret takes it to where I want it. Is it the user stack, or the tss stack? I ask this because I keep on getting an invalid opcode error on every iret from the handled interrupts (at EIP 0x3?).
Secondly, this is my IVT dump:
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<snip>Offsets were wrong...
Finally, how do you guys handle invalid instructions that can't be handled? Do you just kill the process and then reschedule?
Edit: OK, this is my virtual mode monitor ATM:
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// the IVT
uint16_t* ivt = (uint16_t*) 0;
// the stack
uint16_t* stack = (uint16_t*) r->useresp;
// instruction pointer
uint8_t* ip = (uint8_t*) r->eip;
// what was the instruction?
switch( ip[0] )
// 0xCD: INT n
case 0xCD:
// interrupt!
// decrement the stack 3 times
stack -= 3;
// set the new stack pointer
r->useresp = ( ( r->useresp & 0xFFFF ) - 6 ) & 0xFFFF;
// put the data on the stack
stack[0] = (uint16_t) ( r->eip + 2 );
stack[1] = r->cs;
stack[2] = (uint16_t) r->eflags;
// clear the interrupt flag
if( r->eflags & 0x200 )
r->eflags ^= 0x200;
// jump to the necessary location
r->cs = ivt[ ip[1] * 2 + 1 ];
r->eip = ivt[ ip[1] * 2 ];
// return, this will take us to the interrupt handler
// default: ???
// tell the user
kprintf( "Unknown opcode at EIP 0x%x: 0x%x!\n", r->eip, ip[0] );
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I've been rudely interrupted by the processor with this message for you:
Invalid Opcode
Crash at 0x 3 EFLAGS: 0x 33082
Registers at time of crash:
Error code: 0
Interrupt number: 6
EAX: 0x 0 EBX: 0x 0 ECX: 0x 0 EDX: 0x 0
EBP: 0x 0 ESP: 0x 110784 ESI: 0x 0 EDI: 0x 0
V8086 SS:ESP
SS: 0x 20 ESP: 0x 28fe
Segments at time of crash:
CS: 0x 0 DS: 0x 0 ES: 0x 0
FS: 0x 0 GS: 0x 0 SS: 0x 20
Control registers:
CR0: 0x 11 CR2: 0x 0 CR3: 0x 0