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The Beginn - or: How do I start?
Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 11:00 pm
by Turbo24prg
I come on this site - an i think zhis it is good. I begann to programm in C an would ask: how do i start to programm my own OS? (free and open - of course!!) I will start from the 1. Point and will beginn to programm my OS. But how? I read a lot in this forum, but how do i beginn? Thanks to all RE's.
cu Turbo24prg
RE:The Beginn - or: How do I start?
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:00 pm
by Undercover Ducky
I was once in your position and I feel for your disposition as a mere beginner thinking about the takings on of OS development. A good place to start, however, is on a more realistic level that acts as a nice physical paralell to your situation. For starters, I would experiment with simple things, like money. Try starting a bank with the change in your pocket! Or, if that seems too easy you could try to order food at your local french resturant with the broken colors and numbers vocabulary you learned in the third grade. Driving to work with a tire in one hand and a bike chain in the other might also serve as some good real world experience that will prepare you for your dinky little software project. After all, programming an operating system is something that is to be taken lightly, I mean, heck, anybody who knows a little bit of BASIC can write a good multi-user, multi-threaded Operating System that would stand a good foot hold in today's integrated working environment for at least three years. Take a look at that Disk Operating System and that cRaZY 3.1 thing that went galavanting around with it a mere few years back!
Undercover Ducky