Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering [book]
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:20 am
Wow, you think it's not about os developing? But it is -> I mean, there is a chapter there, where they describe how Windows works. How it manages his processes and all the cool stuff you can think of.
I don't know, if the book was already discussed in the forum, but I have a *pdf version and it is really cool ... 74817.html
By the way, the book describes the Reverse Engineering process, by giving you examples of when the RevEng is useful and legal and when it is not. Then they describe how Windows works (because Windows is the primary RevEng target in the book).
It's a MUST for an os developer, I think!
EDIT: I forgot to say something else about the book: it describes also the processor's way of decoding and executing instructions: microcodes, pipelining ---> it's all there!
Also the writer of the book, wrote he will rewrite the book for 64-bit, when 64-bit mode become popular
I don't know, if the book was already discussed in the forum, but I have a *pdf version and it is really cool ... 74817.html
By the way, the book describes the Reverse Engineering process, by giving you examples of when the RevEng is useful and legal and when it is not. Then they describe how Windows works (because Windows is the primary RevEng target in the book).
It's a MUST for an os developer, I think!
EDIT: I forgot to say something else about the book: it describes also the processor's way of decoding and executing instructions: microcodes, pipelining ---> it's all there!
Also the writer of the book, wrote he will rewrite the book for 64-bit, when 64-bit mode become popular