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i'm stuck in osdeving
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:13 pm
by GLneo
I would like to continue OSdeving but to do that I need to be able to load executables, but i need ~4 things that I don't want to do ( because i cant figure out what is wrong ) , these include:
my floppy driver: ... iew=markup
my FAT driver: ... iew=markup
and i need to change my compile script, so instead of makeboot it puts my kernel on a FAT floppy disk image. : ... iew=markup
also to boot my kernel of the FAT disk i will need to fix my bootloader: ... iew=markup
I hate to say just look at the code and fix it, but thats realy what i need now, hope you help!
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:16 pm
by ehird
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:23 pm
by Combuster
I'm not the type to start working for you like that. You can however take parts of my code:
my floppy driver:
I dont have a working floppy driver. However, you can use grub, your own bootloader and the like to load a FAT formatted ramdisk. I consider floppies too troublesome to make half your system dependent on it...
My FAT driver
I have a 2-stage FAT-based bootloader (public domain). I apparently didnt bother to comment it as properly as most of my code so you'll have to figure out yourself what everything's good for. ATM it boots /stage3.bin, and loads /stage4.bin and /*.mos into a ramdisk, then jumps to the kernel at 0x80000. (
Stage 1,
Stage 2)
and i need to change my compile script, so instead of makeboot it puts my kernel on a FAT floppy disk image.
I have a makefile which does that for me (by typing make install)
browse my source tree and take what you want. I hope something there helps you with your quest.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:56 pm
by GLneo
thx Combuster! that would work, does any one have a FAT boot loader? or a way to write to a FAT image from windows command promt?
sorry for the blunt request for help
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:12 pm
by mystran
GRUB is a pretty good bootloader and handles FAT among several other filesystems just fine. Floppies, harddrives, network boot... anything will do. Gets you to protected mode as well for free.
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:45 pm
by GLneo
well i figured out how to make a FAT image with my kernel, now i need to modify my bootsector to read kernel.sys from the image, and no GRUB, why write your own bootsecter when theres GRUB - why right your own OS when theres Linux? i like to learn, sorry for saying it so plainly it's just every one tells me to use GRUB
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:05 pm
by Brynet-Inc
GLneo wrote:well i figured out how to make a FAT image with my kernel, now i need to modify my bootsector to read kernel.sys from the image, and no GRUB, why write your own bootsecter when theres GRUB - why right your own OS when theres Linux? i like to learn, sorry for saying it so plainly it's just every one tells me to use GRUB
People are recommending GRUB because it sorta suits you..
As for:
GLneo wrote:i like to learn, sorry for saying it so plainly it's just every one tells me to use GRUB
You just contradicted yourself.. You just asked people to write code for you..
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:16 pm
by GLneo
O i just saw that
well i was hoping people would find my bugs and show them to me, not write my OS, but i do want to write my OS so mabey just tutorials on FAT bootsecters
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:03 am
by frank
Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:32 pm
by bubach
For the bootsector, have you tried john Fine's:
It loads from FAT to 1mb, sets up pmode and even paging before jumping. if you throw out the page code, you should get some free bytes for error handling or clean-ups.
i also think you should get the floppy driver working with only one 1.44 mb fdd before expanding it.