Exception Handler not called by processor...
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:55 pm
For some strange reason, the CPU is not calling any exception handler apart from Divide Error... I'm not going to show you code, but instead some output from the Bochs debugger... It's really strange...
This output is when I try the ud2 instruction, but the same occurs when a GPF or a PF occurs (either called as an exception or as a software interrupt with the int instruction)... The only one that is called correctly is either the cases is the Devide Error...
First, the most important: a CPU dump...
The GDT in two distinct formats...
And the same for the IDT...
Disassembly of the Invalid Opcode handler...
When I step over the ud2 instruction, triple fault...
What is really anoying me is that the divide error works but the others don't.
If anyone is able to help, many thanks...
And sorry for the long post... I hope it does not prevent you from reading it!
This output is when I try the ud2 instruction, but the same occurs when a GPF or a PF occurs (either called as an exception or as a software interrupt with the int instruction)... The only one that is called correctly is either the cases is the Devide Error...
Code: Select all
(0) [0x00100dc0] 0008:00000000c0000dc0 (unk. ctxt): ud2a ; 0f0b
Code: Select all
<bochs:9> dump_cpu
eax:0x00000000, ebx:0x00007c00, ecx:0x00000c80, edx:0xc0001a78
ebp:0xc0005b90, esp:0xc0005b78, esi:0x0005465a, edi:0x0005465b
eip:0xc0000dc0, eflags:0x00000046, inhibit_mask:0
cs:s=0x0008, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9a00, valid=1
ss:s=0x0010, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9300, valid=7
ds:s=0x0010, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9300, valid=7
es:s=0x0010, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9300, valid=5
fs:s=0x0010, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9300, valid=1
gs:s=0x0010, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00cf9300, valid=1
ldtr:s=0x0000, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00008200, valid=1
tr:s=0x0000, dl=0x0000ffff, dh=0x00008300, valid=1
gdtr:base=0xc0001b14, limit=0x37
idtr:base=0xc0005ba0, limit=0xf
dr0:0x00000000, dr1:0x00000000, dr2:0x00000000
dr3:0x00000000, dr6:0xffff0ff0, dr7:0x00000400
cr0:0x80000011, cr1:0x00000000, cr2:0x00000000
cr3:0x00106000, cr4:0x00000000
Code: Select all
<bochs:8> info gdt 0 10
Global Descriptor Table (base=0xc0001b14):
GDT[0x00]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
GDT[0x01]=Code segment, linearaddr=00000000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Execute/Read, 32-bit ;Kernel code
GDT[0x02]=Data segment, linearaddr=00000000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Read/Write, Accessed ;Kernel data
GDT[0x03]=Code segment, linearaddr=00000000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Execute/Read, 32-bit ;Usermode code
GDT[0x04]=Data segment, linearaddr=00000000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Read/Write ;Usermode data
GDT[0x05]=Code segment, linearaddr=40100000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Execute/Read, 32-bit ;These two were used for
GDT[0x06]=Data segment, linearaddr=40100000, limit=fffff * 4Kbytes, Read/Write, Accessed ;the Tim Robinson's trick
GDT[0x07]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
GDT[0x08]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
GDT[0x09]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
GDT[0x0a]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
<bochs:14> x /20w 0xc0001b14
0xc0001b14 <bogus+ 0>: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000ffff 0x00cf9a00
0xc0001b24 <bogus+ 16>: 0x0000ffff 0x00cf9300 0x0000ffff 0x00cffa00
0xc0001b34 <bogus+ 32>: 0x0000ffff 0x00cff200 0x0000ffff 0x40cf9a10
0xc0001b44 <bogus+ 48>: 0x0000ffff 0x40cf9310 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0001b54 <bogus+ 64>: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
Code: Select all
<bochs:6> info idt 0 14
Interrupt Descriptor Table (base=0x00000000c0005ba0):
IDT[0x00]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc00004e0, DPL=3 ;This one is called OK...
IDT[0x01]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x02]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x03]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x04]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x05]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x06]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc00004f4, DPL=3
IDT[0x07]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x08]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc0000565, DPL=3
IDT[0x09]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x0a]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x0b]=??? descriptor hi=0x00000000, lo=0x00000000
IDT[0x0c]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc0000508, DPL=3
IDT[0x0d]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc0000527, DPL=3
IDT[0x0e]=32-Bit Interrupt Gate target=0x0008:0xc0000546, DPL=3
<bochs:16> x /30w 0x00000000c0005ba0
0xc0005ba0 <bogus+ 0>: 0x000804e0 0xc000ee00 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005bb0 <bogus+ 16>: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005bc0 <bogus+ 32>: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005bd0 <bogus+ 48>: 0x000804f4 0xc000ee00 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005be0 <bogus+ 64>: 0x00080565 0xc000ee00 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005bf0 <bogus+ 80>: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0xc0005c00 <bogus+ 96>: 0x00080508 0xc000ee00 0x00080527 0xc000ee00
0xc0005c10 <bogus+ 112>: 0x00080546 0xc000ee00
Code: Select all
<bochs:19> u /8 0xc00004f4
c00004f4: ( ): pushad ; 60
c00004f5: ( ): lea eax, dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20] ; 8d442420
c00004f9: ( ): push esp ; 54
c00004fa: ( ): push eax ; 50
c00004fb: ( ): call .+0x00000c7f ; e87f0c0000
c0000500: ( ): add esp, 0x00000008 ; 81c408000000
c0000506: ( ): popad ; 61
c0000507: ( ): iretd ; cf
Code: Select all
00009658802i[CPU0 ] EFER = 0x00000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | RAX=0000000000000000 RBX=0000000000007c00
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | RCX=0000000000000c80 RDX=00000000c0001a78
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | RSP=00000000c0005b78 RBP=00000000c0005b90
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | RSI=000000000005465a RDI=000000000005465b
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | R10=0000000000000000 R11=0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | IOPL=0 id vip vif ac vm RF nt of df if tf sf ZF af PF cf
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | SEG selector base limit G D
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl) base limit G D
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | CS:0008( 0001| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | DS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | SS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | ES:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | FS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | GS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 000fffff 1 1
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | MSR_FS_BASE:0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | MSR_GS_BASE:0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | RIP=00000000c0000dc0 (00000000c0000dc0)
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | CR0=0x80000011 CR1=0x0 CR2=0x0000000000000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] | CR3=0x00106000 CR4=0x00000000
00009658802i[CPU0 ] >> ud2a : 0F0B
00009658802p[CPU0 ] >>PANIC<< exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution
If anyone is able to help, many thanks...
And sorry for the long post... I hope it does not prevent you from reading it!