How to calculate the BASE address???
This is an example of a base address that I calculated:
I/O Address =0xD1D0 Length=0xE10
MEMORY =0xFEA0FEA0 (32-bit) Length=0xF0010
I/O Address =0xF000 Length=0x10
But when I use SoftIce (or Craig Hart's PCI+AGP bus stiffer) to get information about the PCI it tells me like this:
I/O Port Range Passed to Secondary Bus : 0000D000h to 0000DFFFh (32-bit)
Memory Range Passed to Secondary Bus : FEA00000h to FEAFFFFFh
So it seems that I am not calculating something right. Can any one help how to calculate it?
(It seems that the results of my calculation are very close to the results of SoftIce.