Cannot get the drive parameter table!!
Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 11:00 pm
I have used interrupt 0x13 to read the drive parameters table, but the return error code is 0x07 (i.e. drive parameter activity failed). What dose it mean, and why? I have verified my BIOS supports the interrupt 0x13 extension. Can anybody tell me?
Thank a lot.
compiler: nasm
mov ah, 41h ;checking interrupt 0x13 extension
mov dl, 80h
mov bx, 55AAh
int 13h
jc error_msg
mov ah, 48h
mov dl, 80h
mov si, buffer
int 13h
jc error_msg
Thank a lot.
compiler: nasm
mov ah, 41h ;checking interrupt 0x13 extension
mov dl, 80h
mov bx, 55AAh
int 13h
jc error_msg
mov ah, 48h
mov dl, 80h
mov si, buffer
int 13h
jc error_msg