ok, well i don't need help any more(I hope)
I haven't been able to test it yet, but it does compile:
I will copy the template 256 times and then just modify it(runtime modified code..) to install an interrupt handler..
and the final interrupt handler will just be void MyInterrupt(regs *r);
with regs being...very simple for the interrupt handler, very complicated for me..
Code: Select all
typedef struct
unsigned int ds, es, fs, gs; /* pushed the segs last */
unsigned int edi, esi, ebp, esp, ebx, edx, ecx, eax; /* pushed by 'pusha' */
unsigned int int_no, err_code; /* our 'push byte #' and ecodes do this */
unsigned int eip, cs, eflags, useresp, ss; /* pushed by the processor automatically */
Code: Select all
mov ebp,esp
add ebp,12 ;skip the pushed ip and cs and then it's where we pushed esp
mov eax,[ss:ebp]
push eax ;push the stack pointer again..
mov eax,0x20000000 ;the value is at offset 0xE
call eax ;this is templated! 0x200 should be what the interrupt handler is ;this is templated! 0x200 should be what the interrupt handler is
pop eax
retf ;<--end total size of far_template is 22 bytes
push eax
mov al,0 ;this is templated! this should be 0 for most interrupts, or 1 if a value is already pushed.. -at 0x3
cmp al,1
jz no_pushing
jmp pushing
jmp continue_1
push 0 ;this is for a dummy error code..
pop eax
push 20 ;this is templated! 20 should be replaced with the interrupt number -at 0x19
push ds
push es
push fs
push gs
mov ecx,0
mov cx,ss
mov edx,esp ;store them for a bit..
mov ax,0x8 ;this is templated! 0x8 should be replaced with interrupt stack segment -0x30
mov ss,ax
mov esp,0x100 ;this is templated! 0x100 should be replaced with interrupt stack offset -at 0x35
push ecx ;push our saved ss
push edx ;push our saved esp
mov ax,0x08 ;this is templated! 0x08 should be replaced with interrupt data segment -at 0x3D
mov ds,ax ;setup data segments..
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov ax,cx
add edx,21*4 ;increment stack ptr to the first part of our interrupt..
mov es,ax ;set our es to the old ss
mov ecx,21
copy_loop: ;copy the data in the application stack to our interrupt stack
mov ebx,edx
mov esi,[es:ebx]
push esi
sub edx,4
loop copy_loop
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov eax,esp
push eax ;push the stack pointer so we can use it as an argument in our called function
;mov ebx,0x20 ;This is templated! 0x20 should be replaced with interrupt code offset
;crap...we have to have a far ret..hmmm
;only good solution I can think of is you have to tell a spot of memory in the segment(address space) that we can load a far ret capable thing..
;and just have to write something like push esp+8(I think)\ncall int_handler\n retf\n ..or something to deal with that call..
call 0x10:0x14000 ;This is templated! 0x10 should be replaced with interrupt code segment and 0x200 should be replaced with the farcall stub
;offset is at 0x6C, segment at 0x70
pop eax ;trash from the argument
pop edx ;our earlier pushed esp
pop esi ;our earlier pushed SS
mov ss,si
mov edx,esp
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
pop ds
mov al,0 ;this is templated! this should be 0(or anything) for normal interrupt, 1 for master irq, 2 for slave irq -at 0x80
cmp al,1
jz master_irq
cmp al,2
jz slave_irq
add esp,8 ;we do this cause we can't use a temp register basically it's just pop [temp] and pop [temp] again
mov al,0x20
out 0x20, al
jmp return_here
mov al,0x20
out 0xA0, al
out 0x20, al
jmp return_here
hlt ;<--End template size is 160 bytes