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it's up;

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2002 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
Well folks, I finally got the domain up and running.

I'm putting up a bunch of my old programming tutorials (back from the old code^x days) @, as well as some new ones.

For OS Developers, there's a few things of interest... for one, I've posted the source code (what little I could find, anyway, after the HD crash...) of polyOS (the OS I was coding a few years back).  It's one of those "as is" type deals... unfortunately, not everything works, but I really don't have the time to make it work... it's old code, and I'm planning on starting fresh...

... which leads me to anything thing of interest for osDev'rs, ndk, the OS I just recently starting building is provided in source code form.  At the moment, there's very little here, but there's also a tutorial on how I went about it (in the writting section) which describes how to get and install grub, and how to make a multi-boot compatible kernel, linker scripts and creating sections in your code, defining a new gdt and idt.  More to come later, of course, as the project progresses.

Uhm... yeah, the code^x stuff is pretty old there.  I'm planning on rewritting a lot of it, and reworking it into "neuraldk form" :)  Until then, I figured I might as well provide it, though.  I know some people are interested.


PS: You'll notice carbonBased & dcipher exist at neuraldk... uhm... they're both me :)  I'm hoping the pictures are ambiguous enough that it's not _too_ noticeable.  I just don't like the stigma improperly given to "one person programming teams."  Nowhere does it say a one person team can't produce good code, and I think everyone on this site is behind me on that one!  There's a lot of one person teams here, and we all seem to be doin' just fine, eh guys?