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Leaving Compatability, Entering Long Mode

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:53 am
by Fear
I can't even say how many bugs I found trying just to enter compatability mode. Now I realized I can't even get into true long mode. The faq says to alter some of the stuff in the GDT. Does this mean I should load a new GDT (which I tried, didn't work) or should I just change stuff in the current GDT (which I don't think is possible)? All Bochs ever says is "(instruction unavailable) page not present". Heres my code (everything to enable long mode):

Code: Select all

	MOV			EAX,			CR4				; Switch CR4 to EAX
	BTS			EAX,			5				; Enable CR4.PAE
	MOV			CR4,			EAX				; Switch Back
	MOV			EAX,			100000h			; Set CR3 to 100000h
	MOV			CR3,			EAX				; Switch EAX back to CR3
	XOR			EAX,			EAX				; EAX = Addr
	XOR			EBX,			EBX				; EBX = Storage
	XOR			ECX,			ECX				; ECX = Counter
		MOV		EBX,			EAX				; Store EAX in EBX
		OR		EBX,			3				; Or it by 3 (Kernel Mode)
		MOV		[101000h+ECX],	EBX				; Assignment
		ADD		ECX,			4				; Increase the counter by a DD
		ADD		EAX,			4096			; Increase Address by 4KB
		CMP		ECX,			4096			; Compare to 4KB
		JL		.LoopPD							; Jump back if less
	XOR			EAX,			[101000h]		; EAX = Addr = [101000h]
	XOR			EBX,			EBX				; EBX = Storage
	XOR			ECX,			ECX				; ECX = Counter
		MOV		EBX,			EAX				; Store EAX in EBX
		OR		EBX,			3				; Or it by 3
		MOV		[100000h+ECX],	EBX				; Assignment
		ADD		ECX,			4				; Increase the counter by a DD
		CMP		ECX,			4096			; Compare to 4KB
		JL		.LoopPT							; Jump back if less
	MOV			ECX,			0C0000080h		; Load ECX with the MSR
	RDMSR										; Must be used with ECX
	BTS			EAX,			8				; Set Bit 8 of ECX
	WRMSR										; Must be used with ECX		
	MOV			EAX,			CR0				; Switch CR0 to EAX
	BTS			EAX,			31				; Set Bit 31 of CR0
	MOV			CR0,			EAX				; Switch CR0 to EAX
I know my paging code is terrible, I just did that so I could actually see Bochs say that I enabled compatability mode without getting errors.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:36 am
by Dex

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:07 pm
by Fear
Wow, thanks a ton. That really sums it all up. I wish I had known about that a week ago....

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:23 pm
by Dex
Fear wrote:Wow, thanks a ton. That really sums it all up. I wish I had known about that a week ago....
Its only just been posted :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:27 am
by Fear
Well, now I was coding a function to clear the screen, when I hit another roadblock. See, if I do the code the way I normally would:

Code: Select all

MOV      RBP,     RSP
POP      RBP
I get an error from Bochs, saying 'RETnear64: Canonical RIP violation'. Now, I don't even know what that means, let alone what causing it...

Heres the code for the function I think is causing it:

Code: Select all


	MOV			AH,				[Attr]
	MOV			AL,				32
	SHL			EBX,			16
	OR			EAX,			EBX
	SHL			RBX,			32
	OR			RAX,			RBX

		MOV		[TMem + RCX],	RAX
		ADD		RCX,			8
		CMP		RCX,			4000
		JL		.Clear
So my question is, what is different about setting up a sub-procedure in long mode versus setting up a sub-procedure in protected mode.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:34 am
by Dex
Just a gess, but have you tryed "retq", as they seem to use "iretq" in the demo code.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:10 pm
by Brendan
Fear wrote:I get an error from Bochs, saying 'RETnear64: Canonical RIP violation'. Now, I don't even know what that means, let alone what causing it...
Have a look at this paragraph describing canonical addresses.

Basically, the RIP taken from your stack isn't supported by the CPUs MMU (i.e. isn't canonical). I'd guess something trashed your stack....



Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:39 pm
by Fear
Well, this is bizarre. I tried every solution I could possibly think of (close to 100), and none of them worked. I come back today, tried the most obvious one again and it worked. Wierd, right? So yea, my stack was corrupt because it somehow didn't exist....

Edit: I just realized it only works with internal functions currently, no externals... but I'm getting closer...