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DJGPP include path

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:00 pm
by krillzip
I want to change the standard include path in djgpp to the include directory for my os. How do I do this, do I alter the djgpp.env and in that case how do I specify the path.


RE:DJGPP include path

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
I'd say your best bet is to just use the command line parameters, so that you can still easily build other projects with your djgpp distrib.

--nostdinc -I/path/to/os/include

Either that, you make a copy of your djgpp.env, change it, and point the DJGPP environment variable to your new osDev.env file, so that you can atleast revert back to your previous settings with a simple change of the DJGPP env. variable.

Unfortunately, though, I no longer have djgpp, so I don't know what to change in djgpp.env file.


RE:DJGPP include path

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:00 pm
by krillzip
From where did you get "carbonBased"? from Mac OS X ? cool

I tried to change the cpp vars but it didn't work as expected, maybe I did it wrong. Anyway here is some vars from my original djgpp.env, I think it should be those lines.




Hope you can help me!

RE:DJGPP include path

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
I've used carbonBased on and off for a while... didn't even realize the Mac OS X connection 'till a few months ago.  Unfortunately, I haven't even used OS X yet, but I'd definitly like to!  Looks like a pretty sweet OS!

Anyway, I think you're right with the cpp section.  In particular, the C_INCLUDE_PATH.  I'd try something like:


I believe that should work (is that what you tried?)
% = current drive (ie, C:)


RE:DJGPP include path

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:00 pm
by krillzip
Yes thats what I tried, tried to do it now but it didn't seem to work very well.
Maybe I have to go with -Iincludepath for a while.

You should know the feeling of OS X, you realy want to lick the GUI (more pretty than girls). When you tried it out you don't want to go back.
Well carbon is the new API, much better programming in than classic API.

Organic life forms and organic-seeming GUIs

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:00 pm
by Schol-R-LEA
I'ts a reasonable guess the CB is an SF/F fan, as that's pretty much the only place where you will encounter the term 'carbon-based lifeform' (as opposed to one based on silicon or something even more exotic). Perhaps when we encounter a lifeform that isn't carbon-based, it will become more widespread...

Either that, or he's a cyber-extropian, and is planning on uploading himself into a computer someday. Yes, there are people out there like that; frankly, I can sympathize with the idea. There's a famous story about one such programmer:

"After he had been hired by Datapoint, Mark [Miller]  was asked to fill out a medical form. Where the form asked if he had any physical defects, he wrote: CARBON BASED."
(exerpted from _Computer Lib_, 2nd ed., Ted Nelson, 1987)

RE:Organic life forms and organic-seeming GUIs

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:00 pm
by carbonBased
If by SF/F you mean science fiction/fiction, then yeah, I'm a fan :)

I find it funny when people think I'm a freak because I use the tag carbonBased... what?  It's the truth! :)  You're carbon based too! :)

It's like that simpsons episode when (?) yells out, "Your epidermis is showing!" and everybody laughs and/or freaks out... of course it's showing! :)  You should be worrying if it isn't :)

Oh, and btw (from your message):

"After he had been hired by Datapoint, Mark [Miller]  was asked to fill out a medical form. Where the form asked if he had any physical defects, he wrote: CARBON BASED."
(exerpted from _Computer Lib_, 2nd ed., Ted Nelson, 1987)

LOL! :)  I love it!!! :)
