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Designing a Kernel

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:49 pm
by Touch
Well as you probably know, I'm starting to develop and code my kernel.

I just need to know one thing for now.

Let's say that I start the kernel, should I make it so that the kernel consists of %include? So the kernel is pretty much linked to all the other kernel parts.


Code: Select all

%include "video.o"
%include ""system.o"
Is that a good way of setting it up, so that the kernel, just holds links to the other code?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:58 pm
by bluecode
Well, I'm not one of those "include everything in one file and then compile/assemble one file"-guy. I prefer splitting my code in several sourcefiles, that get compiled/assembled seperatly and are linked together to the kernel executable. The "glue" then are headerfiles, which declare functions/classes/makros and these can be included in source files. But I'm not sure how practicable this is with assembler (you plan to use assembler only?).

btw. assembler sourcecode normally does not come in *.o files. That's most likely an object file.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:04 am
by Touch
Yeah, I get you.

And the *.o was an example, I didn't think. It would be *.inc