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Compiling my work

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:37 am
by James
OK, so far I have:
*mini kernel (literally only prints Trip OS)

Now, what else do I need before I compile my work. And how do I compile my work under Windows.

What is cygwin for?

Dean, James freind

Re:Compiling my work

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:12 am
by Pype.Clicker

cygwin is a port of the gnu compiler suit for windows. If you want to follow a tutorial using GCC (90% are), you need it. If you want to link .o files produced by nasm/fasm/yasm/whatever together, you'll likely to need it.

If you just want to use visual C(++) you don't need it (afaik).

Once you'll have your flat binaries (i guess your bootloader loads a flat binary, right?), you'll need a tool to write those things on a floppy for testing.

You should find all the info you need about such tool in the FAQ:

May i ask what previous experience you have with compilers?

Re:Compiling my work

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:55 am
by James

I have Nasm, and I know how to compile in it.

Well, our bootloader loads the things needed. I think
I have the tools for testing it all.

I know about that stuff.

Im pretty new to it, but I grasp things easily when I am told how.
