floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

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floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

Post by earlz »

I am having some problems with my floppy code
on bochs it works perfectly, but on vpc it doesn't write anything but also don't say it got an error, yet on my real pc it gets an error(and tells you)

this is my condensed code:

Code: Select all

unsigned char FDD_GetByte(){
   return inportb(DATA_REG);

unsigned char FDD_SendByte(unsigned char data){
   unsigned char tmp;
   return tmp;

unsigned char FDD_ReadyGet(){
   unsigned int delay;
   delay=timer_ticks+2000; //2second timeout
          if((inportb(MAIN_STAT)&0xC0)==0xC0){return 1;}
   return 0;

unsigned char FDD_ReadySend(){
   unsigned int delay;
   delay=timer_ticks+2000; //2second timeout
      if((inportb(MAIN_STAT)&0xC0)==0x80){return 1;}
   return 0;

unsigned char WriteSector_01(unsigned char drive,unsigned char sector,unsigned char track,unsigned char head, unsigned char *buffer){ //used for error checking
     unsigned int i;
     unsigned char error;
        if(error==1){return 1;}
     return error;

unsigned char _WriteSector_01(unsigned char drive,unsigned char sector,unsigned char track,unsigned char head, unsigned char *buffer){ //w00t working mostly
     unsigned char ST0,ST1,ST2;
     unsigned int delay;
     //add diskchange detection and recalibrate if changed
     //call this function from another function for error tolerance
     if(!FDD_SendByte(0x46)){return 0;} //if 1 fails they all fail!
     FDD_SendByte(0x02); //sector size
     FDD_SendByte(18); //track length
     FDD_SendByte(27); //GAP3 length
     FDD_SendByte(0xFF); //Data length --ignored because of sector size
     //now transfer the data!
     delay=timer_ticks+5000; //2 second time-out
     while ((volatile)fdd_int_done<1){
        if(delay<timer_ticks){FDD_MotorOff(drive);return 0;} //time-out
     //error checking... blah blah blah
     //results phase:
     //all this sector id crap is ignored
     FDD_GetByte(); //track
     FDD_GetByte(); //head
     FDD_GetByte(); //sector number
     FDD_GetByte(); //sector size
     //error checking.....
     //for now returns 0 if a drive not ready error or such
     //and returns 2 if write protected
     if((ST0&0xC0)!=0){return 0;} //interrupt code
     if((ST0&16)!=0){return 0;} //unit check
     if((ST0&8)!=0){return 0;} //drive not ready
     if((ST1&2)!=0){return 2;} //write protected -do not copy for read
     if((ST1&16)!=0){return 0;} //time-out
     if((ST1&32)!=0){return 0;} //data error
     if((ST1&128)!=0){return 0;} //sector number exceeds track
     //nothign in ST2
     return 1;

void FDD_MotorOn(drive){

void FDD_MotorOff(drive){

you don't have to recalibrate on a read/write no matter what do you? like in my WriteSector_02 would I need it before it calls the first _Write... or after?(I don't have recalibrate code yet so...)

Re:floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

Post by bluecode »

Jordan3 wrote:you don't have to recalibrate on a read/write no matter what do you?
No, but you have to seek :)

Re:floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

Post by NoItAll »

In my floppy code, on real PC, you need to call reset and
recalibrate, or it does not work, but this is only for the first time you use it in pmode, after that you do not need it.

Another thing to watch is delays, it will work ok in some emulators with very small delays, just set your delay higher for now, you can set them lower after you have it working.

Re:floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

Post by earlz »

Code: Select all

[quote]you don't have to recalibrate on a read/write no matter what do you?
No, but you have to seek [/quote]

no way! the tutorial and the floppy manual says this:
SE:       seek end
   The controller has completed a seek or a calibration command,
or has correctly executed a read or write command which has an implicit seek
implicit means it happens just it is usually ignored
btw thats in ST0[/quote]

Re:floppy code works in bochs but nothing else

Post by blip »

If you mean you're using implied seeks, then be aware that not all FDCs support them. I remember at one point Dex mentioned this, on this or another board.
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