I feel like I am back from the dead. I haven't posted in forever. But now Im back into OSDev and am looking for a place to start.
I found this excellent (I think) tutorial kernel called: "Bran's Kernel Development Tutorial" http://osdever.net/bkerndev/index.php?the_id=90 - Full code at end of tutorial.
My native enviornment in Ubuntu 6.06 and I have installed ALL of the build tools.
I began porting the .bat file to a makefile however, my compilation fails when compiling irq.c
Code: Select all
void irq_handler(struct regs *r)
/* This is a blank function pointer */
void (*handler)(struct regs *r);
/* Find out if we have a custom handler to run for this
* IRQ, and then finally, run it */
handler = irq_routines[r->int_no - 32];
if (handler)
/* If the IDT entry that was invoked was greater than 40
* (meaning IRQ8 - 15), then we need to send an EOI to
* the slave controller */
if (r->int_no >= 40)
outportb(0xA0, 0x20);
/* In either case, we need to send an EOI to the master
* interrupt controller too */
outportb(0x20, 0x20);
handler = irq_routines[r->int_no - 32];
if (r->int_no >= 40)
Unfortuantly I don't have the error on my as I am at work right now, but it has to do with the type of the object.
Is this a good place to start messing around with a very light and thin kernel? Perhaps theres a better one.
I liked this one because it was just a very thin and solid foundation to start toying with.