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Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:08 pm
by Candamir
I'm now starting to write multitasking support in my kernel, and I believe it's always nice to test this in some way (even if it's just some characters printing out on the screen...). But instead of supporting a full-fledged format like ELF right from the start, (which I plan to implement later as my default format) I would like to deal with something easy that allows me to focus on the scheduler and such things instead of messing around with all the data structures in a file format...
Is there a way around it?
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:19 pm
by Ryu
IMO, the same binary format as the kernel image would be the quickest way to set up tests.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:53 am
by omin0us
Just use functions inside the kernel to test your scheduling.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:04 am
by viral
well.. you can start with simple functions that can be executed as threads...
Code: Select all
void thread_a()
void thread_b()
once you start executing this functions, try to load simple executebles in plain binary format, so tht you not need to worry about all code,data sections...
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:04 am
by Dex4u
Here is a very simple, relocatable bin file format.
Code: Select all
org 0
jmp start
;maybe a simple header here
mov eax,[MyVar1 + ebx] ; you need to do this
mov [MyVar2 + ebx],edx; same with this
mov esi,MyString
add esi,ebx ; you need to do this
call print ; this is ok like this
jmp LetsGo ;this is ok like this
; some more code here, maybe
;print code here
MyString: db 'hello world!',13,0
MyVar1 rd 1
MyVar2 rd 1
This can be loaded any where in memory, you just need to load ebx with the load address at load time and keep ebx untouched.
I call it the "KISS" file format.
PS: Please do not comment on that it does nothing, as the vars have random data in them etc, its just a demo, to show what needs fixing and what does not.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:21 am
by Bob the Avenger
personally i didnt find ELF too bad, the easiest is a flat binary, but i would use something like Dex put if you dont want ELF
KISS really does makes things easier when debugging
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:52 am
by Bob the Avenger
i was refering to KISS as in the saying "Keep It Simple Stupid" as i have found simple thnigs easier to debug than complicated things
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:10 am
by Solar
Sure. You don't need to worry about "file formats" when you're trying to debug your scheduler. You can just link the two thread binaries together with the kernel binary (so your bootloader does the loading), and hack together a function that sets up the necessary threads. When you're satisfied with your scheduler, you can extend that hacked function to eventually become your binary loader.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:13 am
by Bob the Avenger
thats the way i did it originally, and thats also the way i'm going to redo it
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:56 am
by Warrior
I'd say ELF, it seems to be well documented and I don't think you have to use all of it's relocation info at first.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:43 am
by Cjmovie
Scroll down to "formats" and have a good look, if that helps.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:45 pm
by Ryu
Dex's code is no differnt then a flat binary or plain binary, which has no file format and bad portability when it comes down to differnt languages. A file format considers some standardizations and whatnot. Usually file format headers or using a flat binary to so something like this in MASM I would consider this a file format and not a simple jmp instruction:
__InitializeDevice@12 PROC C param3:DWORD, param2:DWORD, param1:DWORD
__InitializeDevice@12 ENDP
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:58 pm
by viral
Well before this thread gets too hot.. I would like to show my [very very very] primitive format.. acctually this is not a format but a simple way of writing executables..
Code: Select all
[BITS 32]
[ORG 0x5000]
db '$TAJ$' ;Magic number
dd 0x01 ;Format version
dd START ;Starting address
dd arg ;Starting address of command line arguements
arg resb 32
It wont help much, but as I guess u r in very prelimnary stage.. u can get something from this
again i recommend you to check "elf", its really wonderfull..
@Solar, @Ryu : "Situation under controll !!", plz dont make this issues too hot... Dex was just trying to give something very simple, so that Candamir can have idea...
@Dex: plz dont post unnessasary things which can lead u in trouble & i'll miss ur presence.. I saw your fancy DOS games snap shots...
We all are here to share some good things & to make a wonderful, peaceful community.. plz co-operate...
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:49 pm
by Crazed123
viral wrote:
well.. you can start with simple functions that can be executed as threads...
Code: Select all
void thread_a()
void thread_b()
once you start executing this functions, try to load simple executebles in plain binary format, so tht you not need to worry about all code,data sections...
If you have some kind of create_thread(entry_point,scheduling_attributes,argument,etc) function, viral's method is probably the best test of your scheduler. Any *real* executable format is a load of work, and if you only want to test your scheduler than executing in-kernel functions as threads will work fine.
Re:Easiest executable format to start with
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:17 pm
by Candamir
Yes, I think I'll probably go for the approach outlined by Solar, viral and Crazed123. Thanks to everybody for your help and comprehension.