windows and local apic
Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:53 pm
my questions are not about problems with the development of my own os so i hope it is ok to post them here anyway.
i have 2 questions my first is about the local apic and the task priority register.
on my pc i have windows xp sp1 installed.everytime windows reads the content of the TPR (phys address 0xFEE00080) an interrupt 0x41 or 0x3D is generated and i simply want to know why this happens and how to obtain the interrupt vector which is generated when the register is read.
my second questions is about how windows manages task switching with a periodic interrupt like the apic timer.i read the timer register (phys address 0xFEE00320) of my local apic and it is set to 0x000300FD (periodic=1 masked=1).so everytime the current count register (phys address 0xFEE0390) reaches zero an interrupt 0xFD should be generated.unfortunately this does not happen the interrupt is not generated and i dont know why.the initial count register is initialized properly.
edit: ok second question solved windows uses the cmos real time clock as far as i can see form reactos src!
thx for help
my questions are not about problems with the development of my own os so i hope it is ok to post them here anyway.
i have 2 questions my first is about the local apic and the task priority register.
on my pc i have windows xp sp1 installed.everytime windows reads the content of the TPR (phys address 0xFEE00080) an interrupt 0x41 or 0x3D is generated and i simply want to know why this happens and how to obtain the interrupt vector which is generated when the register is read.
my second questions is about how windows manages task switching with a periodic interrupt like the apic timer.i read the timer register (phys address 0xFEE00320) of my local apic and it is set to 0x000300FD (periodic=1 masked=1).so everytime the current count register (phys address 0xFEE0390) reaches zero an interrupt 0xFD should be generated.unfortunately this does not happen the interrupt is not generated and i dont know why.the initial count register is initialized properly.
edit: ok second question solved windows uses the cmos real time clock as far as i can see form reactos src!
thx for help