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should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:13 pm
by asmboozer
as I continued with the tutorial,

I am afraid the new feature kerenl would not work. but to restore the kernel source back is not so easy when the source files keep growing.

so I think it's better import the cvs. let it make work easier.

how about your ideas?

or better way to do that?


Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:18 pm
by nick8325
Yes, it seems like a good idea to use a version control system to me. You can change things without worrying about losing the old versions. A few years ago, I used to just comment out the old versions for a while, but a version control system is more sensible.

P.S. CVS is rather hard to use and gets confused easily, if you are going to use one try Subversion (

Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:14 pm
by Colonel Kernel
I use Perforce, mainly because it's what I use at work so I'm already familiar with it.

Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:21 pm
by paulbarker
Version control is definately the way to go. Choosing between version control systems really comes down to personal preference - pick one you will be happy using, don't just jump on the first one you find.

Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:26 pm
by Candy
I've used both SVN, CVS, PVCS and FreeVCS myself, with a very clear preference for SVN. It allows more than CVS in terms of what you can and cannot do (CVS complains about removing files from the archive that still exist in real life, SVN plain also removes the actual file). Both VCS systems are based on locking files and freeing them again. If I knew which files needed updating exactly it would've been a perfect program in the first place. Hence, I usually copy my full tree, muck about, perform a unix diff (got msys installed just for that at my work place), check out the files that I changed, check the new versions back in, commit... It's like using svn but manually.

Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:39 pm
by durand
Have a look at darcs:

I use SVN at work and I'm always having minor disagreements with it. Darcs is something which I enjoy using.

Yeah, you need to find something you like. I really like darcs. Try it out if you have some time.

Re:should cvs be used in kernel development?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:55 am
by Pype.Clicker
version control system is a must for projects like ours. I'm using CVS, but that's mainly because noone was talking about an alternative when i had to make the choice... and now, it's easier to keep with the defined environment than switching to Something Else (tm)...