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The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:09 pm
by Bladers
i was making a bat man technology and i started with batwave i was gonna pogram trough pda but i didnt
gonne make from scratch with PIC

this is the link to the bat technology ... ost4750865

i need to make a os i have no i dea of how to make one
i am a visual basic 6 programmer

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:21 pm
by Dex4u
You need to watch out for the penguin ;D .

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:29 am
by uri
Bladers wrote: this is the link to the bat technology ... ost4750865

i need to make a os i have no i dea of how to make one
i am a visual basic 6 programmer
OK, I've just read through half of that thread on and it looks like you want to write a cool looking interface for your PDA. You don't have to write a whole operating system, there's an easier way:
  • download Visual Basic 2005 Express from; VB6 won't do
  • get the Windows Mobile SDK from the same source
  • install both packages
Using the Windows Mobile SDK, you'll be able to write applications for your PDA in Visual Basic (even though it's VB .NET, which is a bit different from VB6) and test them in a simulator.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:29 am
by Kemp
To quote from your other thread:
am not a little kid am 13 and am a web disigner and programer and a visual basic programmer i made some games too i can programe in dark basic too
You're 13, you've made a website and built some VB apps and you think you're ready to make a new OS for your PDA (not to mention redesigning said PDA's electronics if you're still thinking of that)?

Now age may not have anything to do with ability (though of course it does in a general sense), but I have a few tips for before you even start thinking about an OS:
  • Proper grammar and punctuation are a must if you want to be taken seriously.
  • Read a lot of background material on how things work, especially in terms of PC (or indeed your chosen PDA's) architecture. Spec documents are usually required reading. This may seem very boring and hard work, but you won't get far on your own without it.
  • Don't expect to be able to do this quickly, there are very few hobby OSes (OSs, OS's?) that get far enough to be useful, and the ones that do generally take a lot of time to get there (many years in the general case).

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:46 am
by Kemp
On a less serious note... OMG!

I just finished reading his other thread and it's the best laugh I've had in a while ;D Seriously, kid wants to make everything from Batman up to and including the ice gun and all the cool little gadgets he carries. Seriously, if companies worth millions of pounds haven't made them (either because they can't or because the items aren't worth it) what chance does a 13 year old have? Especially one that has to beg for the extra $3 to make $15 to buy a PIC programmer that he doesn't know how to use.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:50 am
by Batman
i do know how to use pic
am not writing the OS for pda
am writing it for my Batwave
which am gona make from scratch
with a pic microcontroller

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:26 am
by Kemp
I think you have very confused ideas about exactly what you're going to be doing. You are currently saying you want to write an OS for a device that doesn't even exist yet and that you are somehow going to make from scratch. You want to fit stuff in that is in top-of-the-range factory-made PDAs using surface mount technology and custom designed chips, and you want to do all this using a simple PIC chip.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:23 pm
by Bladers
wtf is going on i cant hmm
i cant install nasm i cant run it
it runs then close wtf is going on

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:45 pm
by nick8325
Bladers wrote: wtf is going on i cant hmm
i cant install nasm i cant run it
it runs then close wtf is going on
It's a console program.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:54 pm
by Bladers
dude i have been trying to assemble a file but i cant cause the nasm dont work i was suppose to enter the code
nasmw h.asm ?o h.bin

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:00 pm
by Bladers
i dont think you f**** understand me the NASM dont F**** work dam if you read closely you could understand it and i dont have to use F***ing cursing words

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:11 pm
by Bladers
when i click it it says
"no input file specified"
"Type nasm -h for help"

Then it disappear

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:19 pm
by Bladers
someone tell me how to install nasm or am about to f**** loose it

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:24 pm
by Kemp
Here's an idea, how about you go away, mature for about 10 years and then come back when you've grasped the idea of the proper way to ask for help. Swearing will only get the thread locked and you banned.

Now, if you want to ask that again in an adult manner, while realising that we have lives and don't spend all day refreshing the topic index to answer your questions, then we might be more helpful.

Additionally, I don't particularily like people randomly adding me on MSN without asking first.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:34 pm
by Brendan
Bladers wrote:when i click it it says
"no input file specified"
"Type nasm -h for help"
Perhaps you're not experienced enough to understand what "nick8325" meant when he sait "it's a console program"?

If you look in front of you, you'll probably see a keyboard. It's used (in conjunction with a command line editor like DOS, a DOS box, BASH, etc) to type in commands.

Using the keyboard (and a command line interpretter), if you type "nasm -h" (or "nasmw -h" if you're using the windows version) you'll get some instructions on how to start NASM. If you type "nasm h.asm ?o h.bin" (or "nasmw h.asm ?o h.bin" if you're using the windows version) then NASM will try to find the source file "h.asm" and convert it into an object file called "h.bin".

If you click on the NASM executable with your mouse pointer, it will start with no command line options and you'll get an error. I can guarantee NASM is working correctly - you wouldn't have got the the error message from it otherwise.

If you can't understand any of this, then I'd suggest learning how to use a computer before trying to write something as complex as an OS. Currently your comments are funny - it's like watching someone trying to do brain surgery who can't figure out how to hold a scapel and ends up cutting themselves.

