To Candy,
thanks, you seem to have pleased my mind, as cool British would say, but I'm not.
I still want to know, if there is room on this forum to start a separate section on 64bit mode. By far, I do not have the impression, that this mode is of fundamental importance.
But it is of some importance to x86 and the way business goes.
Seeing that AMD could win with inspiration at least for a moment over sheer market power (INTEL) I'd like to see followers in our community wrenching down the iron curtains, those in all of our minds, and take this tiny bit of improvement (not only because of sixtyfour bits) as a chance to break free from 'brain-damaged-architectures', as one of the founders of Glockenspiel C++ of Ireland used to paraphrase the notorious Intel achievements.
BTW, this company - Glockenspiel - has lost, IMHO because to be too sprite too early...
They had in their include files the famous define #ifdef BDA - aka 'brain damaged architecture' - as a synonym for Intel or x86. Well...
So, why not start a thread with a still realistic view and strong foundation on cumbersome x86but64, and add - being even carried away by visions - the peronal wishlists how things could be done?
Getting into x86 at a stage, even when x86-64 is here, makes me wonder. Actually, half of my time I do spend on designing new processor architectures, not because I know how to do it, but because I need some reluctance from what I see. Understnad it, or forgive it. Both welcome.
If no one - meaning: not too many ones - take some of the promises of x86-64 serious, I said promises, not actual implementations, then we will end up in migrating the cumbersome to something for sure less cumbersome, but that's all. Next generation programmers will just learn, that finally there is just some additional mode here.
I want to advocate for a clear cut. Not to abandon what was, but to make ground for a new phase.
Let's start OS64 as a top level section.
If you look on OpenGL, you will find, that there is a generation change on the way, or at least under the hoods.
Sorry, for being emotional, but I guess you know, tough programming does need emotions indeed.
Otherwise you couldn't stand that crap
Cheers, tigujo