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file mapping

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:12 pm
by pradeep
How many file systems your kernel support? How are you managing those different drivers? Say the user program requested to open a file and specified a path. How will you open a file?What type of functions a file system driver has to support?What is meant by file mapping? How to do it in my kernel.Please explain a step by step process of how a file is opened and read. If suppose the file is opened ,that memory should be mapped on to user space. Am i right? What you peoples do in your kernel.

Re:file mapping

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:38 pm
by Warrior
What I plan to do is have a root filesystem and you can mount different filesystems to different folders. When a user wants to open a file, I grab the current directory and check which filesystem it's mounted under then use the function call table of the specified FS to do read/write/poke/whatever to the file.

As for the step by step, I can't provide that since I am still planning all of this but I don't think anything other than good thinking is needed for an implementation.
