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basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:25 am
by datajack
Im am quite new to OSD, although I have developed with c before. I need to know how one would code functions such as memcpy, memset, memsetw, strlen. I have gone as far as this:
Code: Select all
unsigned char *memcpy(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, int count)
unsigned char *memset(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char val, int count)
unsigned short *memsetw(unsigned short *dest, unsigned short val, int count)
int strlen(const char *str)
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:30 am
by oswizard
Don't expect to get too many replies giving you code, but I'll give you a simple, very basic implementation of strlen. If you've developed with C before, you should be able to take it from there.
Code: Select all
int strlen(const char *s)
int i;
for (i = 0; s[i] != 0; i++); // yes, no loop body - loops until s[i] is null
return i;
More info will probably be found in the FAQ (click the forum banner at the top)
Good luck,
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:32 am
by Pype.Clicker
you should find any of them in a good book about C programming (e.g. the Kernighan & Ritchie).
You could also use bits of your brain and come with
unsigned strlen (const char* str)
// hmm. let's see how far from str we can go before we encounter
// a nul character:
unsigned len=0;
while (*str!=0) {
return len;
or you could head yourself to the
FAQ, get the
all-in-one introduction page, and discover that we're indeed missing a fast way to find a free implementation of that d*mn stuff everyone needs.
So i suggest you the OSLib if what's above don't fit you.
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:35 am
by datajack
i dont want the code, i would like an explaination of how to do what i need to do...
Code: Select all
unsigned char *memcpy(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, int count)
/* the code here is to copy 'count' bytes of data from 'src' to
* 'dest', finally return 'dest' */
unsigned char *memset(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char val, int count)
/* the code here is to set 'count' bytes in 'dest' to 'val'.
* Again, return 'dest' */
unsigned short *memsetw(unsigned short *dest, unsigned short val, int count)
/* Same as above, but this time, im working with a 16-bit
* 'val' and dest pointer.*/
int strlen(const char *str)
/* This needs to loop through character array 'str', returning how
* many characters it needs to check before it finds a 0.
* In simple words, it returns the length in bytes of a string */
and thanks, i can definintly use these examples to craft my code.
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:39 am
by Pype.Clicker
basically, those functions are
- either built using inline assembly and dedicated opcode such as 'stosb', 'rep movsd', etc.
- or built using bare stuff such as "*src=*dst" and pointers arithmetics.
Oh, and may i suggest you thoroughly test them with the debugger of your choice in user-land of your host OS before integrating that code into the kernel ?
or did i *again* completely miss the point of your question ?
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:15 am
by datajack
in memcpy:
if count = 4096
what it needs to do is, copy 4096bytes from src var, to the dest var, and return the value of dest.
in memset:
if count = 4096
what this need to do is, copy 4096bytes in dest to val, and return dest
in memsetw:
same as above but with val as 16bit
int strlen:
this needs to loop through chars untill it reaches NULL(0) and return the length in bytes.
mainly i guess is info on accessing memory and copying values from place to place...
hmm...this is more a c problem that as osd problem....
when i think about it, it might not be that hard as i make it seem...
i think i only need to know how to copy only "count" bytes of data other than all of it...
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:31 am
by Pype.Clicker
what might enlight you is that (assuming src and dst are char*)
Code: Select all
char c=*src; // reads character at address <src> into <c>
src++; // advance <src> to the next character's address
*dst=c; // writes character <c> at address <dst>
and indeed, this is _much_ a C problem so rushing to the library and borrowing "The C programming Language, 2nd edition" by Brian W. Kernighan and Denis M. Ritchie will probably leaves huge amount of mysteries around it.
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:37 am
by datajack
yes, _much_ a c problem, ill use the _c_ forum next time
just a little quickie, is every adress in memory 1 byte?
0x00100000 is one byte and 0x00100001 a whole different byte?
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:26 am
by ___pissed
Dear friend, no offence what so ever, but shouldn't you tighten your C skills before trying to write an OS?
Asking how to implement memcpy or strlen indicates that you've hardly done any C code at all, not knowing such elementary things how would you go and write an operating system? Don't you think that with such lack of knowledge its a little bit hmmm.. ambitious?
Writing an operating system requires you to master the programming language you write it in, and since you've chosen C I would strongly suggest you grab a C book and go knock down some printf("Hello world\n") programs.
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:30 pm
by datajack
lol, im sorry, i dident know what i was thinking when i asked that...i got it, and it works too :) sorry for the stupid(extreamly) question :)
Code: Select all
#include <system.h>
unsigned char *memcpy(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, int count)
const char *sp = (const char *)src;
char *dp = (char *)dest;
for(; count != 0; count--) *dp++ = *sp++;
return dest;
unsigned char *memset(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char val, int count)
char *temp = (char *)dest;
for( ; count != 0; count--) *temp++ = val;
return dest;
unsigned short *memsetw(unsigned short *dest, unsigned short val, int count)
unsigned short *temp = (unsigned short *)dest;
for( ; count != 0; count--) *temp++ = val;
return dest;
int strlen(const char *str)
int retval;
for(retval = 0; *str != '\0'; str++) retval++;
return retval;
unsigned char inportb (unsigned short _port)
unsigned char rv;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("inb %1, %0" : "=a" (rv) : "dN" (_port));
return rv;
void outportb (unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data)
__asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %1, %0" : : "dN" (_port), "a" (_data));
void main()
puts("Hello World!\n");
for (;;);
had to studie memory system crap... and i found my mistake...
i think this question has been answerd, and i will no longer view the thread, if you have any other scornfull suggestions, please, send them to me. :)
--:;Datajack Keeper:;--
Re:basic kernel functions
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:27 pm
by NotTheCHEAT
OS dev also requires thorough knowledge of assembly, even if you don't intend to write the main portion of your OS in assembly.
0x00100000 is one byte and 0x00100001 a whole different byte?
You can address locations as bytes, words, or dwords. A word is 2 bytes, a dword 4 bytes. So if you access 0x00100000 as a word, then you automatically access 0x00100001 also (they are one word, but two separate bytes). Accessing 0x00100000 as a dword results in actually accessing 0x00100000, 0x00100001, 0x00100002, 0x00100003. So yes, the memory address is atomic as a byte, but depending on how you access an address, several other addresses are accessed simultaneously, since they're all stored together.