It simply prints the message, switches the virtual console and sits there. Doing nothing. Never reboots. never even prints the reboot message. Any ideas?
Ok..first the control alt del function:
Code: Select all
//function fired when CTRL ALT DEL is pressed. waits 10 seconds...then reboots.
vc_printf("Rebooting in 10 Seconds....",1);
vc_printf("You should not see this message.",1);
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int timer_ticks = 0;
//IRQ errr 0 Handler:
void timer_handler(struct regs *r)
// Add 1 to our ticks used by things in TIMER.C (GLOBAL eventualy??? UNIVERSAL??? LOLNO)
//Wait function:
void wait(int seconds)
unsigned long end_ticks;
unsigned long my_ticks;
my_ticks = seconds * 18; //multiply the seconds times 18 because of the ibm dudes on drugs back when they made that value.
end_ticks = timer_ticks + my_ticks; //figuer out how what our ending value for ticks will be.
while(timer_ticks < end_ticks); //do nothing until the elapsed time has passed.
void timer_install()
//install the IRQ handler for IRQ0
irq_install_handler(0, timer_handler);