what are some good recomended address space layouts
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:57 pm
so i have my user space processes setup and they appear to work pretty well 
anyway, i wanna have a specific layout for my user space processes. However, where i place my code, data, heap and threads in the user processes will impose limits on how many threads i can have, how big there stacks can be and how big my heap can grow per process....
so anyway, i plan to support multiple threads per process of course, and i figure i could put an upper limit on the number of threads per process and an upper limit on how big a threasds stack can grow (say 1 meg?). Based on this i can spread my thread stacks appart by 1 meg + 1 page for finest granularity i suppose. Also i wish to have at least 1 guard page between sections and such (is one enough?)
For those of you who are already passed this point, what is a recomended layout? I relaize there is no "right" layout, just curious of what people have come up with.
also, since i figure it's relavent, all addresses >= 0xc0000000 are kernel land.

anyway, i wanna have a specific layout for my user space processes. However, where i place my code, data, heap and threads in the user processes will impose limits on how many threads i can have, how big there stacks can be and how big my heap can grow per process....
so anyway, i plan to support multiple threads per process of course, and i figure i could put an upper limit on the number of threads per process and an upper limit on how big a threasds stack can grow (say 1 meg?). Based on this i can spread my thread stacks appart by 1 meg + 1 page for finest granularity i suppose. Also i wish to have at least 1 guard page between sections and such (is one enough?)
For those of you who are already passed this point, what is a recomended layout? I relaize there is no "right" layout, just curious of what people have come up with.
also, since i figure it's relavent, all addresses >= 0xc0000000 are kernel land.