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req: Information on Designing an OS

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 12:00 am
by Scott Watson

I am looking for information on how to design an OS i.e. the different methods and the pros & cons of mono, macro, nano kernels, memory models, security model, file systems, synchronization, multitasking, parallel processing, etc., etc.

My goal is to become knowledgeable enough to design a complete OS with these items in mind. Not to code just to design in UML.

Hardware Items
1). Multi-processor system of different CPU types i.e. AMD, Intel, MIPS StrongArm, etc., etc.
2). Non standard bus, no expansion cards, bus to all devices 1gig/sec
3). Small Set of carefully selected hardware devices
4). Non standard motherboard
5). Every device is hot swappable

Software Items
1). Self organizing code at runtime based upon available/assigned processors
2). OS allows users to disable/enable all devices in real-time

Any info is greatly appreciated; I have also posed this question over at the Mega-Tokyo message board.

Thanks for your Time