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iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:13 am
Hi all,
I completed installing IDT for my OS by declaring all the exception function pointers in an array (in C file, since all the exception handlers are C routines) and assigning it to all the interrupt descriptors (in assembly file). The "iret" is given as inline assembly instruction in the exception handler. While debugging the code, I found that when the processor excecutes the "iret" instruction, bochs panics with the message iret: return CS selector null. But, all the interrupt descriptors point to the correct CS descriptor.

Here's my C exception handler,

Code: Select all

void do_irq00(void)
    print("Exception 0");
The PUSH_REGISTERS and POP_REGISTERS are macros defined as below:

Code: Select all

#define PUSH_REGISTERS   {                      \
                            __asm__ ("pusha");       \
                            __asm__ ("push %ds");  \
                            __asm__ ("push %es");  \
                            __asm__ ("push %fs");   \
                            __asm__ ("push %gs");  \

#define POP_REGISTERS    {                        \
                            __asm__ ("pop %gs");    \
                            __asm__ ("pop %fs");     \
                            __asm__ ("pop %es");    \
                            __asm__ ("pop %ds");    \
                            __asm__ ("popa");         \
What could be problem?
Any help greatly appreciated.

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:17 am
by Kim
Well your compiler add's a stack frame I think...
You should use:

Code: Select all

__declspec(naked) void do_irq00(void)
    print("Exception 0");

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:26 am
Does gcc v4.0.0 support "__declspec(naked)". I am afraid that my compiler doesn't support it? It gives parse error.

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:34 am
by Kim
Oh sorry thats for Visual C++...

void do_irq00(void) __attribute__((naked))

I hope this is correct (almost never use c/c++)...

Edit: I found this on google

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:44 am
by AR
__declspec is a Microsoft C++ Compiler extension, similar to GCC's __attribute__, as far as I am aware you cannot remove the stackframe in GCC that is why ISRs are always in Assembly language.

The reason for the crash is probably stuffing up the stack, by calling print the parameter and return address are pushed and ESP is modified but your "artificial" push/pops are pulling modified data from the stack. Example:

Code: Select all

/* Your function in Assembly */
.global do_irq00
push %ebp
mov %esp, %ebp
sub $4, %esp
/* Pushes */
mov $PointerToString, %ss:(%esp)
call print
/* Pops */
add $4, %esp
pop %ebp
This is a theory of how the code looks, use objdump/NASM disassembler to see what exactly it's done. The solution is to do it in assembly though so that you control exactly what it does.

@Kim: I tested __attribute__((naked)) and it doesn't work [GCC 4.0.0] ("directive ignored"), the reference you provided also states specific architectures, x86 isn't listed.

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:10 am
I managed to fix this problem by adding 0x0C to the esp register. Because, the disassembled code shows that ebp (4 bytes) is pushed in the stack and 8 bytes is subtracted from the esp register, which is the normal code when a C function is assembled. Now, my exception handler looks like this,

Code: Select all

void do_irq00(void)
    print("Exception 0");
    __asm__("add $0x0c, %esp");
Thanks for the help AR.

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:38 am
by Pype.Clicker
You may want to check the FAQ for it: ... ceRoutines

Honnestly, i think that approach of tweaking stack within a C procedure should be avoided. You'll have debug-sessions-darker-than-the-night if someone someday (e.g. the optimizer ?) decide that the stack frame shouldn't look the same ...

at least try to do it clean with "mov esp,ebp"-based thing (otherwise, adding e.g. local variables could trash the whole thing ...)

Re:iret: Return CS Selector NULL

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:49 am
Thank you pype. I can now figure out how worse the problem may occur using this fix. I believe writing an ASM wrapper for interrupt handlers would be the best option.