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What's with this ClearScreen() function?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:15 pm
by Crazed123
My console function to clear the screen based on the desired attribute is for some reason, glitching up the screen with strange colors and symbols before finally crashing Bochs. I'm wondering why. I would attempt to extract information from an exception handler, but when I clear the screen they're not set up yet.

Code: Select all

 TAttrChar = packed record
  chChar: Char;
  btAttribute: Byte;
 PAttrChar = ^TAttrChar;

 btAttribute: Byte;

procedure ClearScreen();
acChar: TAttrChar;
acChar.chChar:= Char($20);
acChar.btAttribute:= btAttribute;
I don't see what's wrong with this, but I noticed that Bran's tutorial says

Code: Select all

void cls()
    unsigned blank;
    int i;

    /* Again, we need the 'short' that will be used to
    *  represent a space with color */
    blank = 0x20 | (attrib << 8);

    /* Sets the entire screen to spaces in our current
    *  color */
    for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
        memsetw (textmemptr + i * 80, blank, 80);

    /* Update out virtual cursor, and then move the
    *  hardware cursor */
    csr_x = 0;
    csr_y = 0;
And I'm wondering if it has something to do with the rows not being arranged directly after one another. Sorry about so much code, but I'm not good at explaining programming issues without it.

Re:What's with this ClearScreen() function?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 9:53 pm
by AR
Is btAttribute initalised? Other than that, does "FillWord" work?

Yes, the frame buffer is linear, it starts at 0xB8000 and is 4000 bytes long (80*25*2)

Re:What's with this ClearScreen() function?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:39 am
by Crazed123
Yeah, the line before ClearScreen() is "btAttribute:= $07;". Fillword should work since I compiled the RTL correctly and it doesn't rely on any of my kernel functions, so what's going on darnit?!

Re:What's with this ClearScreen() function?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:53 am
by smiddy
AR wrote: Is btAttribute initalised? Other than that, does "FillWord" work?

Yes, the frame buffer is linear, it starts at 0xB8000 and is 4000 bytes long (80*25*2)
Sorry to interject, but since y'all are using specifics I wanted to just point out that you can have multiple text modes. So the buffer is more specifically:

Code: Select all

Bytes = (Columns x Rows x (CharacterByte + AttributeByte [ or 2 bytes])) per video page, with page 0 (the first page) starting at 0B8000h for Color and 0B0000h for monochrome.
Sorry to be so anal, but it could be useful to know this down the road when you're switching text modes and pages.

Re:What's with this ClearScreen() function?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 9:24 am
by Crazed123
Yeah, when I'm switching modes and pages instead of trying to make the thing go through its first steps of booting up.