PSE under bochs
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:07 pm
I don't remember who said that PSE (Page size extension) doesn't work under bochs....well I got a short example here of something that works under bochs.
It maps on 1:1 the first 4mb of memory no problem.
It maps on 1:1 the first 4mb of memory no problem.
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#include <paging.h>
unsigned long page_directory[1024] __attribute__ ((aligned (4096)));
unsigned long page_table[1024] __attribute__ ((aligned (4096)));
void paging_install() {
int i = 0;
unsigned long address=0;
page_directory[0] = address;
page_directory[0] = page_directory[0] | PG_PRESENT | PG_READWRITE | !PG_US | PG_SIZE;
for(i=1; i<1024; i++) {
page_directory[i] = 0 | !PG_PRESENT;
write_cr4(read_cr4() | CR4_PSE_ENABLE );
write_cr0(read_cr0() | 0x80000000 );
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// Page Attributes
#define PG_PRESENT 1 // 0 = not present, 1 = present
#define PG_READWRITE 2 // 0 = read-only, 1 = read-write
#define PG_US 4 // 0 = supervisor, 1 = user
#define PG_PWT 8 // Page write-through 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
#define PG_PCD 16 // Page cache disable 0 = cached, 1 = not cached
#define PG_ACCESSED 32 // 0 = not accessed, 1 = accessed
#define PG_DIRTY 64 // 0 = not written to, 1 = written to For page table
#define PGDT_SIZE 64 // For Page Directory table, should always be set to 0
#define PG_SIZE 128 // 0 = 4kbytes page, 1 = 4 mbyte page
// PG_PAT 0x256 ; don't want to support this yet.
PG_GLOBAL if set, will not get invalidated in the TLB table.
In order to work, the PGE flag in CR4 needs to be set
#define PG_GLOBAL 512
// Bits 9,10,11 are available to software
// If PG_PRESENT is clear, bits 1 to 31 are available to software.
extern void paging_install();
#define CR4_PSE_ENABLE 16 // Page size extension