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writing data to floppy
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:13 pm
by mztan
How can that be done? I need to use software interrupts right? I've been reading a lot about file system design and whatnot, but I can't figure out how to actually write data onto a floppy or a hard drive. Does someone have a simple C function for read and write?
Re:writing data to floppy
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:53 pm
by AR
If you're in 16bit realmode then you can use the BIOS Interrupts: - read - write
If you're in protected mode then you will have to program the floppy disk controller directly.
Re:writing data to floppy
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:44 pm
by mztan
oh dear god... are there any code bits i can snag from someone?
Re:writing data to floppy
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:45 pm
In this post, under ASHLEY4. ... eadid=7200
you will find a C floppy driver for read/write floppy.
Batteries not included, Some assembly required.