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Question about Hardware Task Switch?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 9:10 pm
by chen17981
Hi everyone, now I have a question about task switch.
When I use call intruction to swithc to a task, it will reset Bochs.
I don't know why. By the way,I put my code above 0xf0100020 in linear address, actully the phyical address is above 0x100020. Following is my code:

Compile by NASM

Code: Select all

[bits 32]   

%define   RELOC(x) ((x) - 0xf0000000)
jmp start
NULL_SEL         EQU $-GDT    ; null descriptor is required 
                                         ;(64bit per entry)
      DD 0x0
      DD 0x0
CODESEL          EQU $-GDT    ; 4GB Flat Code at 0x0 with  
                                         ;max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF                ; Limit(15-0 bit):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0                     ; Base(15-0 bit)
      DB     0x0                      ; Base(23-16 bit)
      DB     0x9A                    ; Type: 
      DB     0xCF                    ; Limit| Flags
      DB     0x10                    ; Base(31-24 bit)
DATASEL          EQU $-GDT    ; 4GB Flat Data at 0x0 with  
                                         ;max 0xFFFFF limit
      DW     0xFFFF                ; Limit(15-0 bit):0xFFFF
      DW     0x0                     ; Base(15-0 bit)
      DB     0x0                      ; Base(23-16 bit)
      DB     0x92                    ; Type: 
      DB     0xCF                    ; Limit(19-16 bit):0xF | Flags
      DB     0x10                    ; Base(31-24 bit)

SYS_TSS      equ   $-GDT ; system TSS
gdt6:   dw 103
   dw 0         ; set to stss
   db 0
   db 0x89         ; present, ring 0, 32-bit 
   db 0
   db 0
USER_TSS   equ   $-GDT
gdt7:   dw 103         ; user TSS
   dw 0         ; set to utss
   db 0
   db 0x89         ; present, ring 0, 32-bit 
   db 0
   db 0

GDTsize DW GDT_END-GDT-1   ;limit of GDT
   DD RELOC(GDT)        ;address mygdt

;   task state segments
stss:   dw 0, 0         ; back link
   dd 0         ; ESP0
   dw 0, 0         ; SS0, reserved
   dd 0         ; ESP1
   dw 0, 0         ; SS1, reserved
   dd 0         ; ESP2
   dw 0, 0         ; SS2, reserved
   dd 0, 0, 0      ; CR3, EIP, EFLAGS
   dd 0, 0, 0, 0      ; EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX
   dd 0, 0, 0, 0      ; ESP, EBP, ESI, EDI
   dw DATASEL, 0         ; ES, reserved
   dw CODESEL, 0      ; CS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0         ; SS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0         ; DS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0         ; FS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0         ; GS, reserved
   dw 0, 0         ; LDT, reserved
   dw 0, 0         ; debug, IO perm.bitmap

utss:   dw 0, 0         ; back link
   dd 0         ; ESP0
   dw 0, 0         ; SS0, reserved
   dd 0         ; ESP1
   dw 0, 0         ; SS1, reserved
   dd 0         ; ESP2
   dw 0, 0         ; SS2, reserved
   dd 0         ; CR3
   dd 0, 0         ; EIP, EFLAGS 
   dd 0, 0, 0, 0      ; EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX
   dd 0, 0, 0, 0      ; ESP, EBP, ESI, EDI
   dw DATASEL, 0           ; ES, reserved
   dw CODESEL, 0           ; CS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0      ; SS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0      ; DS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0      ; FS, reserved
   dw DATASEL, 0      ; GS, reserved
   dw 0, 0         ; LDT, reserved
   dw 0, 0         ; debug, IO perm. bitmap

[global start]   
   lgdt   [RELOC(GDTR)]         ; load descriptor
        jmp     0x8:chen
   mov   ax,DATASEL   ; set up data segment 
   mov   ds,ax         ;
   mov   es,ax         ;
   mov   fs,ax              ;
   mov   gs,ax              ;
   mov   ss,ax 
   mov    ebp,0x0
   mov     esp,0xf000ffff
   lea eax,[ds:stss]      ; set SYS_TSS
   mov [ds:gdt6 + 2],ax
   shr eax,16
   mov [ds:gdt6 + 4],al
   mov [ds:gdt6 + 7],ah
   lea eax,[ds:utss]      ; set USER_TSS
   mov [ds:gdt7 + 2],ax
   shr eax,16
   mov [ds:gdt7 + 4],al
   mov [ds:gdt7 + 7],ah

; initialize user TSS
   lea eax,[ds:user]      ; task entry point
   mov [ds:utss_eip],eax
   mov [ds:utss_esp],esp
; *** NOTE! ***
; ltr in real mode causes an illegal instruction interrupt
   mov ax,SYS_TSS
   ltr ax
; call user task
   call USER_TSS:0

; print ending msg
   call vedio3
   jmp END
;   user task
   mov     byte [ds:0xf00b8002],'X'
   mov     byte [ds:0xf00b8003],0x07
; the task switch set the NT bit, so iret does a return-from-;task

;   character-output video routine

   mov     byte [ds:0xf00b8003],'C'
   mov     byte [ds:0xf00b8004],0x07
Please also note that if I put my code above 0x100020 linear address which is equal to the physical address, only do some small modification to above code, I could successfully call my USER_TASK. I am very confused about that.

Hope someone could give me some suggestion. Thanks in advance.