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stdio.h help

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:48 pm
by jmathata
Am a newbie in OS programming and want to develop an API which uses library calls fopen ,fclose ,ferror,feof,fputc,fgetc provided in the Standard C library headers stdio.h.
I tried finding information on the web about how to Design these function but i only managed to get how to use the already defined ones .
If anyone knows where i can get the information or can help pls do so.
thanx in advance.

Re:stdio.h help

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:50 am
by Pype.Clicker
Could you be a bit more precise on what you wish to do ? Writing your own stdio.h-compliant library or using stdio.h in your kernel ? Or writing a system-call that immediately supports stdio-like operations with no additionnal layer ?

I guess it's rather the former one. If it's the case, i suggest you look at struct FILE* declaration and figure out what all those fields are about.