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Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:39 pm
by SeanSean
Some weeks(month?) ago there was a guy advertising about his new floppy disc tutorial, at this forum. I checked it out and liked it a lot, but unfortunately I?ve lost the link. So my question is, if I may ask it here, does anyone know what tutorial I?m refering to?

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 7:19 pm
by AnonymOS
You don't mention which language... Someone had been writing a floppy driver in assembly, which I don't know if he's finished or not. If the one you're referring to is in C++, here's the thread concerning it: ... eadid=6893

Looks like I got back to this forum with perfect timing (I got a job shortly after posting the tutorial, and with my only Internet connection now being over a cell phone, I'm not really on the Web as much as I used to be ;D -- so sorry Ashley4 for never replying to your last post there).

Just a friendly note: I tried to make the title of the post easy to find using the forum's search feature, and it can usually find what you're looking for if it already exists.

You mentioned that you liked it, but if you notice anything that could be improved or added, please don't hesitate to mention it in the other thread. For example, Ashley4 suggested some information on loading a program from a FAT12 disk; eventually I may be able to add that. Lately I haven't been able to spend much time on my OS since I'm still getting settled, so I don't know enough about that yet.

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:09 pm
When you have time, if you need help with the loading a file from a fat12 disk tut, let me know, as i have just finished do the print all file/dir on the disk and loading one into memory, for my own os, Also if you do a atapi driver tut, as i have 85% finished driver for my OS.

Batteries not included, Some assembly required.

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:08 pm
by AnonymOS
Thanks, ASHLEY4. I have a feeling it's going to take me a while to get to the point that I can do a tutorial for FAT12 (with everything else I have/want to do), but then, this OS work keeps pulling me in... ;D Regardless, I'll let you know when I get to that point. I'm curious: are you finding ATAPI to be difficult? I've only glanced at it so far, so I don't have a very good impression of it yet.

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:36 pm
Just let me know when you need it ;-), ATAPI is about as hard as a floppy driver.
But what is not as good is cd/dvd drives, do not seem to be as consistant as floppy drives, some need more delays then others and some need more try for drive ready etc.

Usually if it work on one floppy it works on another, but this is not the case with cd/dvd.
You can get a simple example of ATAPI code with my pmode cdplayer, fits on the boot sector of floppy (512byes) with asm code
Called "" ... 4&start=50
Screenshot here:


Batteries not included, Some assembly required.

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:43 am
by Pype.Clicker
ASHLEY4 wrote: \\\\||////

Batteries not included, Some assembly required.
Hey, ashley, what about becoming a board member ?? With all the posts of yours you'd already have 3 or 4 starz :P

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:37 am
If i get 5 star's, does that mean, i get to boss people a round ? ;-).


Batteries not included, Some assembly required.

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:46 am
by Candy
ASHLEY4 wrote: If i get 5 star's, does that mean, i get to boss people a round ? ;-).
It means most people recognise you on sight and you appear as somebody who's been here a while even to people who don't visit often. Most people kind of put more trust in people that have been doing osdev for a while, and some equate that to the membership period here. If you have numerous posts, you have helped others. There's a good chance you'll help another...

Plus, it increases your chances of suddenly becoming a moderator :)

Re:Floppy disc tutorial lost!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 2:26 pm
by distantvoices
*g* I enjoy having five stars. Means, I've produced Loooots of posts and maybe have spawned the one or other OT Discussions amidst the earnest of an OS related thread.

No, honestly, being member here has quite some advantages. There are others here which have vast knowledge and give you the one or other nudge in the correct direction ere you go haywire with weird ideas like mine sometimes are. :-)

Stay safe.