Problems in nasm
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:48 pm
How could I get this code to work in nasm?
Code: Select all
mov ax,word ptr [si+bx]
Code: Select all
mov ax,word ptr [si+bx]
St8ic wrote: How could I get this code to work in nasm?
Thanks.Code: Select all
mov ax,word ptr [si+bx]
Code: Select all
mov ax,[si+bx]
You remove some semantics.DennisCGc wrote:St8ic wrote: How could I get this code to work in nasm?
Thanks.Code: Select all
mov ax,word ptr [si+bx]
Code: Select all
mov ax,[si+bx]
Code: Select all
mov ax, word [si+bx]
not sure what the buffer is supposed to be, but if it was to be 512 empty characters, try:St8ic wrote: Translating to nasm is hard! Thanks for that help by the way, I really should've thought of that myself.
Here are some other problem lines:
Buffer DB 512, DUP, (0) <- Pretty sure it's the 'DUP'
mov [si+24h],"$"
Code: Select all
buffer times 512 db 0
St8ic wrote: Should work, I guess. What about the other line? Any ideas?
Code: Select all
mov [si+24h],byte '$'