Finally I have enough time to write ...
JAAman wrote:you can use nasm(or yasm afaik) with GCC(just not for inline)
It's important for me to write inline assembly (it's more comfortable, you haven't to write large assembler hacks).
About the improvments I think:
- XOR operation
- flag handling (optimized by compiler)
- limited macros -> they only apply in some sections of the code
- more warnings (redeclaration in inner functions !!!)
... I will write the compiler in the next time ...
I know this topic shouldn't be here, but if you have suggestions, please tell me!
About the kernel:
A Primary hierarchy:
- PCI, AGP, Floppy Controller etc. (busses)
They provide interfaces like USB, FDC, HDC, Firewire etc.
A Secondary hierarchy:
*USB* (interfaces)
- different device drivers like storage
So there won't be lots of API changes, because if you write a USB device driver, you just care the USB-Interface (you register your driver and it would be loaded if your device is found).
The modules are linked to the API, so you just can download a driver from the internet and load it, without compiling it first! (But the API's may change, so they should be written backward compatible i. e. for one year)